It’s December – How Does That Make You Feel? 🎅
You cannot deny it, Christmas is coming. And with it comes parties, celebrations, stress, family and tons of shopping. This can be a hugely anxious
You cannot deny it, Christmas is coming. And with it comes parties, celebrations, stress, family and tons of shopping. This can be a hugely anxious
For the last few years I have had a word for the yearA word that has acted as gatekeeperNothing passing into any area of my
There is a stumbling block that many get stuck at. You wake up to a dream that you have, and begin to follow the breadcrumb
I’m going through one of these phases right nowI know where I am going; where I wish to beBut my head hasn’t caught up yet,
Looking back it is like viewing someone else’s lifeOf course I recognise myselfButThere is not one cell in my body that is the same nowForIt
The 9th of September will never be the same again as this time ten years ago at 9am on 09-09-09 I went bankrupt and was a hungover
I had an out of body experience when I was sixLittle did I know that it would take me 41 years to realise what it
I’ve been here beforeWatching the slideWatched myself give increasingly generous excuses to be sloppy, greedy, and step back into my old reality. It’s like I
This is the last blog I’ll be writing hereAfter a very intense past three days of Lion’s Gate energy, and with the winds of change yesterday
We go on retreat to experience a shift in consciousnessOk we may have a great time along the way; meeting new friends and learning some
Take the following words into your dayUse them as a focusCome back to them whenever you get pulled into drama or stressOr when you forget that anything is possible… Let
Life is becoming more and more dream-likeHolographicAnd as I connect to the projectorRather than the pictures it producesThat is when I step into my true
Bentinho Massaro. “Whenever you suffer it’s because you’re thinking too small. The solution to any stuck area in your life is always more boldness, never
“Plugging in to limitlessness, being able to let go of the world of form and trusting in the part of you that is formless, nameless,
Member Quote Of The Day. Read something that has been said by one of the Quantum Sobriety Online Programme members: “I gave up drinking for
I feel very lucky to have been an addictFor now that the chronic craving for substances has goneWhat remains Is a chronic craving to experience life more deeply
Just setting foot in Holland has been monumental for me; the last time I was here I was as high as a kite getting back
Take the following words into your dayUse them as a focusCome back to them whenever you get pulled into drama or stressOr when you forget that anything is possible… Meditation
Take the following words into your dayUse them as a focusCome back to them whenever you get pulled into drama or stressOr when you forget
WOW. Every Wednesday I am sharing some Wisdom with you; my teachers; my influences and who I am inspired by. I hope you enjoy! “Until we
“Change The Intention=Change The Reality” www.QuantumSobriety.com/book Book Review. “Read it with an open mindand introduce yourself to the realityin which you are sober!” . .
Member Quote Of The Day. Read something that has been said by one of the Quantum Sobriety Online Programme members: “This is the best thing
“I don’t want to drink”you sayand then succumb to the glass/bottle “I’m fat”you sayand then gorge on junk food “I hate smoking”you sayand then light
What Is Real?If everything was created at the big bangThen all existsDifferent realities running side by sideParallel universes that we can jump between whenever we
Take the following words into your dayUse them as a focusCome back to them whenever you get pulled into drama or stressOr when you forget that anything is possible… hole:“there
I read this a month or so ago and the words have haunted me ever since. Can we come from a neutral place rather than
Never could I have known all those years ago, when I was struggling in life with relationships, booze, fags, debt and drugs that through them
“The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek.” Joseph Campbell Our Caves… Not drinkingNot druggingNot bingingNot distractingFeeling the anxietyFeeling the fearSitting with
Take the following words into your dayUse them as a focusCome back to them whenever you get pulled into drama or stressOr when you forget that anything is possible… When
Take the following words into your dayUse them as a focusCome back to them whenever you get pulled into drama or stressOr when you forget that anything is possible… “A
Seen On Social Media. …and had to share “Society is collapsing, and people are starting to recognise that the reason they feel like they’re mentally
“I can see that everything that has happened in my life was preparing me for this very moment.” www.QuantumSobriety.com/book Book Review. “This is a great
Member Quote Of The Day. Read something that has been said by one of the Quantum Sobriety Online Programme members over on the very lively
Thank **** I decided to commit to 90% raw for the year rather than 100%Nine weeks into this journey and I am having SO MUCH
I’ve recently been through a period of ebbIt’s innate within all of usHuman natureAnd it usually, for me at least, means I am about to
My latest addictionAnd a tough one to budgeInsipid isn’t itThis need to please othersAnd receive approval “Good girl”“Well done” But can we take the outer
Take the following words into your dayUse them as a focusCome back to them whenever you get pulled into drama or stressOr when you forget that anything is possible… To
Take this quote into your dayUse it as a focusCome back to it whenever you get pulled into drama or stress “Celebrate your uniquenessfor we
Last weekends retreat had a session of serpent healing (and I’ve been to another one of these last year too). At the beginning there are
The further within I travel, the more the world unravels and becomes less real. What I realise is that EVERYTHING is perceptionSo NOTHING can be realEach