Taking Freedom To The Next Level 👨🏾👩🏻👵🏼👩🏼
Daily Motivation 220 A conversation on the QS private forum made me smile last week and I wanted to share it with you. It demonstrates the
Daily Motivation 220 A conversation on the QS private forum made me smile last week and I wanted to share it with you. It demonstrates the
Daily Motivation 219 We are living in a very special era Where time is speeding up and we are having to face ourselves like never
Daily Motivation 218 Just ONE thought can take us off BAM! We are gone Lost in the slipstream of time The present moment swallowed up
Daily Motivation 217 This Friday’s Focus is about your language What messages are you sending out? What conversation is going around your head to do with food,
Daily Motivation 216 After yesterday’s post/quote I’d like to expand on this idea that we’ve got things back to front. This is prominent in many
Daily Motivation 215 Every Wednesday I am sharing some WOW’s with you; my teachers; my influences and who I am inspired by. I hope you enjoy! His Holiness
Daily Motivation 214 The perception is that an addict is weak, unfortunate, unlucky, hopeless etc… Holy four-leaf-clover what if… ….the exact opposite were true?
Daily Motivation 213 Shame, guilt, remorse, regret; All emotions that we regularly experience when our life gets out of control. So it is wonderful to see
Daily Motivation 212 We are getting messages all day everyday, in the form of our emotions So what are YOUR emotions telling you? When we
Daily Motivation 211 Today I celebrate three years of no sugar And let me tell you there is now no going back The conditioning runs