Getting Into The Mindset Of Pronoia 😎
Daily Motivation 251 Jo, you say get into the state of ‘pronoia’ but I’ve never even heard of it! Don’t worry neither had I
Daily Motivation 251 Jo, you say get into the state of ‘pronoia’ but I’ve never even heard of it! Don’t worry neither had I
Daily Motivation 250 Every Wednesday I am sharing some WOW’s with you; my teachers; my influences and who I am inspired by. I hope
Daily Motivation 249 Take a step back from your life Disentangle yourself from its grip And rather than being IN your existence, begin to
Daily Motivation 248 Over the next few weeks I will be sharing a little more about how QS is spiralling outwards and how important it
Daily Motivation 247 This is a fundamental question And one that needs to be addressed: Are You Happy With Yourself? Ultimately it is what all
Daily Motivation 246 The further within I travel, the more the world unravels and becomes less real. What I realise is that EVERYTHING is perception
Daily Motivation 245 The word PRACTICE It has so many wonderful meanings and connections And ultimately, for me, it is the drive behind my
Daily Motivation 244 In the latest QS community livestream training I was asked by one of our members the following question: “Do you ever
Daily Motivation 243 Every Wednesday I am sharing some WOW’s with you; my teachers; my influences and who I am inspired by. I hope you enjoy! Buddha
Daily Motivation 242 Like Medusa turned her victims into stone, so our addiction grinds our lives to a halt And I’ve witnessed both sides of