“This New Life Is Ten Million Times Better Than My Old Life!”
Daily Motivation 291 I simply had to share this with you When I read it I instantly cried And there is so much to
Daily Motivation 291 I simply had to share this with you When I read it I instantly cried And there is so much to
Daily Motivation 290 ❝I’m struggling – HELP. How do I stop myself from buying booze? I’m not personally but a year ago I was.
Daily Motivation 289 Meditation and addiction are so similar And the former can be the key that unlocks the door to not just recovery, but an awakening
Daily Motivation 288 Welcome home To a world without judgement, conditions or fear A place where you can be who you really are You
Daily Motivation 287 Today and this weekend can you let go of the details and do something else instead? Can you tap into the
Daily Motivation 286 I have wanted our QS healer Carol to attune me to reiki one and two for some time now. I was first
Daily Motivation 285 Every Wednesday I am sharing some WOW’s with you; my teachers; my influences and who I am inspired by. I hope you enjoy! The
Daily Motivation 284 Everyday for 284 days I’ve posted this blog somewhere between 6am and 8.30am; making the commitment AND STICKING TO IT. It is your
Daily Motivation 283 It felt for a long time that I was hanging off the gates to heaven, demanding to get in with no one
Daily Motivation 282 Making the decision once and for all Sticking to it no matter what Sometimes feeling the flames lick the edges of