How To Quantum Jump 🏃 From The Chocolate Shaman ☕️

Daily Motivation 285


Every Wednesday I am sharing some WOW’s with you; my teachers; my influences and who I am inspired by.
I hope you enjoy!

The Chocolate Shaman

As you know we have a deep and beautiful relationship with The Chocolate Shaman (Keith Wilson), who came to Inner Guidance back in 2013 on his world tour and blew Dom and I away with the cacao that he sources and his meditations. Since then both him and me have separately had quantum awakenings and begun to use the science of potentiality in our work, with us both now teaching this technique. Many of the QS meditations are inspired by what Keith has taught me, both here when he was in the UK and in Guatemala ‘on the porch’ in 2015 and 2016.

In this new video Keith talks about and shows you HOW to quantum jump into a parallel universe; how you can INSTANTLY change your reality and, therefore, your experience.

“Lets take another step to more self love and self acceptance….to a place where it is normal and natural”

It’s a long video and get set for a cosmic guide to quantum jumping! It’s at the hour mark that Keith begins to teach the technique (if you don’t want to watch the whole thing, but watch the intro and Barbara’s take on it too). Enjoy and let me know what you think!

And if you would like to purchase Keith’s cacao we will have it back in stock in around two weeks. You can put your name down here to receive an email notification from us as we have a HUGE list already of people who will get cacao first on its long awaited arrival from Guatemala. We had a delivery last week which went out solely to preorders made in February and March, and do you know what only two people cancelled their orders in all that time they waited patiently. This cacao is different from anything else on the planet, because Keith is sourcing it FOR ITS MEDITATIONAL PROPERTIES, taste only comes in second to that, making this cacao unique.
Enjoy the video!


Member Quote Of The Day.

In this section you will read something that has been said by one of the Quantum Sobriety Online Programme members over on the very lively private forum:

❝The thing I so love about sobriety and the quantum is the freedom to engage with the limitless possibilities and opportunities out there as they present themselves / we manifest them. We have two jobs: to live in our truth and Trust the quantum.❞

S, Residential Retreat and Online Programme


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