Monday Already? 😣
I spent twelve years commuting into central London to the same building everyday, so I know what it’s like to be in the ‘rat-race’.
I spent twelve years commuting into central London to the same building everyday, so I know what it’s like to be in the ‘rat-race’.
I’ve blogged many times about the quantum conspiring FOR you And today I’d like to share a practice I do to encourage this belief
Everyone is addicted It is part of being human What are YOU addicted to? Drink? Drugs? Food? Sugar? Diet coke? Cigarettes? Crisps? Sweets? Chilli’s?
Take the following words into your day Use them as a focus Come back to them whenever you get pulled into drama or stress Or when you forget that
If the opposite of addiction is connection then what is preventing YOU from connecting to yourself (meditation) and an understanding community? I’d love to
WOW. Every Wednesday I am sharing some Wisdom with you; my teachers; my influences and who I am inspired by. I hope you enjoy! Online
“Deeply forgive yourself and replace any remnants of guilt or blame with love You are here now and that is all that matters Guilt
Who Am I? Is the question I asked more than 20 years ago And once uttered The journey began Who Am I Now? Is what
What happens when you let go When you loosen the tight grip of control And begin the process of truly allowing What happens when you
Emptiness is a concept that most can’t get their heads around, for how can it be the source of everything? But when you think about