Meeting Our Inner Monsters 👹
WOW. Every Wednesday I am sharing some Wisdom with you; my teachers; my influences and who I am inspired by. I hope you enjoy! “Until we
WOW. Every Wednesday I am sharing some Wisdom with you; my teachers; my influences and who I am inspired by. I hope you enjoy! “Until we
“Change The Intention=Change The Reality” www.QuantumSobriety.com/book Book Review. “Read it with an open mindand introduce yourself to the realityin which you are sober!” . .
Member Quote Of The Day. Read something that has been said by one of the Quantum Sobriety Online Programme members: “This is the best thing
“I don’t want to drink”you sayand then succumb to the glass/bottle “I’m fat”you sayand then gorge on junk food “I hate smoking”you sayand then light
What Is Real?If everything was created at the big bangThen all existsDifferent realities running side by sideParallel universes that we can jump between whenever we
Take the following words into your dayUse them as a focusCome back to them whenever you get pulled into drama or stressOr when you forget that anything is possible… Will
Take the following words into your dayUse them as a focusCome back to them whenever you get pulled into drama or stressOr when you forget that anything is possible… hole:“there
I read this a month or so ago and the words have haunted me ever since. Can we come from a neutral place rather than
“When resistance appears it is giving you a message that something is out of balance, so rather than dismissing it delve in deeper to find
Member Quote Of The Day. Read something that has been said by one of the Quantum Sobriety Online Programme members over on the very lively