Plugging In To Limitlessness 🔌
“Plugging in to limitlessness, being able to let go of the world of form and trusting in the part of you that is formless, nameless,
“Plugging in to limitlessness, being able to let go of the world of form and trusting in the part of you that is formless, nameless,
“Change The Intention=Change The Reality” www.QuantumSobriety.com/book Book Review. “Read it with an open mindand introduce yourself to the realityin which you are sober!” . .
“When resistance appears it is giving you a message that something is out of balance, so rather than dismissing it delve in deeper to find
“I can see that everything that has happened in my life was preparing me for this very moment.” www.QuantumSobriety.com/book Book Review. “This is a great
“As soon as we begin to take care of ourselves our energy changes, and those in our lives begin to notice; even if they can’t
“Deeply forgive yourself and replace any remnants of guilt or blame with love. You are here now and that is all that matters. Guilt will
“In addiction we are blinkered, we cannot see another way; it has to be like it’s always been. We resist change and therefore push away the unlimited possibilities
“We are containers of compassion as we channel it to others, and of course the vessel is touched by what is contained therein” www.QuantumSobriety.com/book Book Review. “An excellent book“ . .
“If we know that change is possible then we will find the motivation to stop the addictive cycle” www.QuantumSobriety.com/book Book Review. “It’s simply written and easy to understand – I’m loving it – thank you. Xx“ . .
“To reach a place where we have no resistance to the ups and downs of life is our ultimate goal. We learn to swim with the current of adversity without it pulling us under; we become strong and unfaltering no matter what challenges us.”www.QuantumSobriety.com/book Book Review. “Finished with love ♥️ and thanks 🙏Can’t wait to keep going back and repeat the exercises and meditations“ .