Take Off The Mask 🎭

Daily Motivation 167

Who are you trying to kid?
And do you realise by trying to be someone ELSE the only person you are truly harming is YOUrself.
And don’t worry you are not the only one
We are taught to:
‘fit in’
‘be like everyone else’
‘be small’

Yet it wasn’t always like this;
We run wild as children, encouraged to be as free as a bird
But somewhere along the way it got serious, we went to school, took up a hobby, went to classes, got a job, relationship, mortgage, children and became bogged down with responsibility and doing the ‘right’ thing.

We began to show the world what we believe it wants to see of us
We hide what is true in case it gets rebuffed
The magic extinguished
And in the end we forget

This can go on for years
Hiding behind a mask of expectation of who we SHOULD be
Are EXPECTED to be
What the magazines TELL us to be

And you can never be truly happy when you wear it
The problem is the longer you wear it and ‘pretend’ the more you lose YOUrself:

Drowning in booze
Suffocated with food
Numbed out from reality with drugs
Covering our true nature with thick make-up
A screen put up between us and the world with the smoke of cigarettes

Each one immobilising us from our truth
Removing us from our potential
Every binge a message of NO to the quantum
Stuck in an anaesthetised world of lies

Take Off The Mask to:

Reveal your natural beauty
Show your talents
Admit that you feel vulnerable
Declare your dreams
Expose and release your demons
Affirm your love for self
Broadcast your truth to the world
Honour who you really are

What would your world look like if you did that?
Can you imagine where you could go?
What would be possible?
Dreams realised
Heart open….

And it is all possible
All you have to do is BELIEVE
Be brave
Take Off The Mask
And be who you were always meant to be 💗

Member Quote Of The Day:

In this section you will read something that has been said by one of the Quantum Sobriety Online Programme members over on the very lively private forum:

Well I thought I was logging in for an online lecture type thing with the webinar but… laughter and support, encouragement and hearing about other people’s week and general experiences, I wasn’t expecting that! Thanks a million you amazing people it was a great night xxx
L, Online Programme


The webinars are fab. I always come away feeling like I have just been to a great party.

J, Online Programme

” ‘morning everyone – just to say thank you Jo for a great webinar last night.

V, Residential Retreat and Online Programme

Residential Retreat:

We have two places on next weeks QS retreat is you are ready to take sobriety to the next level. Watch the video below for more information….

These Monday to Friday retreats have been running at Inner Guidance Retreat Centre for three years already with participants having countless breakthroughs and stating that their lives have been changed for ever. You are transported quite literally to another reality where you decide how you want your life to be. Being in this environment you get to truly know this YOU that you have decided to become, before going home and integrating yourself back into your ‘normal’ world.

The week has been carefully structured to support and empower with emphasis on nutrition, coaching, therapies, yoga, supplementation as well as daily meditation sessions. You will learn tons of techniques that you can take home with you to implement into your daily life, and make permanent changes. There are just five places available on each retreat.

More information: www.quantumsobriety.com/retreats/
Email: info@quantumsobriety.com
Tel: +44 1787 249798

Online Programme:

As soon as you join you will receive the first email from Jo containing a video with the forthcoming months theme, meditation and worksheets. You will be added to the private forum where the Quantum Sobriety team and community at large will be there to support you in your journey. We’ve made the cost of the course a no-brainer at £22 per month with weekly livestream trainings, monthly webinars, and the most supportive non-judgemental community who know how you are feeling and are waiting to support YOU in your journey to freedom.

Click here to join this amazing community today


QS Meeting in Lavenham:

The next meeting in Lavenham, Suffolk is Wednesday 22nd March
2pm – 3.30pm
Recommended donation £10
Central London meetings coming in the spring

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