I am VERY excited to announce that the QS book is nearly ready. I began writing it more than two years ago and for some reason the energy of it was being held back until this point. I will be launching the book at the workshops on the QS tour in a few weeks, and you can also pre-order one of the first 100 signed copies by clicking here.
Here is an excerpt:
❝You can have anything because every single possible potential already exists, but you can only experience what you believe and consequently choose❞
Member Quote Of The Day.
In this section you will read something that has been said by one of the Quantum Sobriety Online Programme members over on the very lively private forum:
❝I am so appreciative of waking up hangover free and looking forward to the day ahead so thank you QS for all the love and support. You are my lifeline. 


C, Residential Retreat and Online Member