How To Quantum Jump 🏃

Daily Motivation 163

The last couple of days I’ve been feeling that something amazing is just about to happen, even though nothing actually has.
I’m sure you’ve felt that before
An anticipation
An excitement
A KNOWING⚛🌀 THIS is quantum jumping 🌀⚛

And so as it began and I recognised that I was indeed ready for something new I closed my eyes and went deeper into the feeling.
I indulged it
Expanded it

And as we do this we are sending millions of messages to every cell in our body
The message that
Let’s go to the next level.

It’s always an exciting time when this door opens up and maybe it is down to yesterdays Full Snow Moon with Lunar Eclipse, but it is not the first and certainly won’t be the last time that the veil between worlds is thinner and we have the opportunity to quantum jump into higher energies.

Towards the end of the meditation that I sent you yesterday I teach the ’empty mind’ technique, where we take ourselves where we want to go before we are actually there. This is actually a Buddhist trick that I learnt and teach and has revolutionised my own meditation practice. These Buddhists know what they are doing and have been quantum jumping for centuries and I tend to use it towards the end of the meditation, like I have in the recording, when the mind has had a chance to slow down and connect. If you haven’t already tried it then I highly recommend it.

For me I am enjoying the ‘whoooosh’ that this full moon has given me and revelling in the feeling it’s gifted. It is my input day today and once this email has gone out I will be spending the day doing what I love to most:

⚛🌀 Today I Will Be Quantum Jumping
And Meditating! 🌀⚛

How about you?
What are your plans?
Click the link below to listen to yesterdays meditation if you haven’t already….
I hope you enjoy and click the photo to watch….


Member Quote Of The Day:

In this section you will read something that has been said by one of the Quantum Sobriety Online Programme members over on the very lively private forum:

So today i get rid of having low self confidence/low self esteem. I am sooooo over feeling trapped & held back. I want higher vibrations, i want to feel totally free & proud of who i am. I’ve grown so much in the last 10 months (since being in QS), i just need to get some confidence in myself. Take it all away Full moon energy & help me be that confident woman i deserve to be!!!! 
K, Online Programme

Online Programme:

As soon as you join you will receive the first email from Jo containing a video with the forthcoming months theme, meditation and worksheets. You will be added to the private forum where the Quantum Sobriety team and community at large will be there to support you in your journey. We’ve made the cost of the course a no-brainer at £22 per month with weekly livestream trainings, monthly webinars, and the most supportive non-judgemental community who know how you are feeling and are waiting to support YOU in your journey to freedom.

Click here to join this amazing community today

QS Meeting in Lavenham:

The next meeting in Lavenham, Suffolk is Wednesday 15th February
2pm – 3.30pm
Recommended donation £10
Central London meetings coming in the spring


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