How Was ‘Dry January’ and What Next? 🍷

Daily Motivation 158

I have realised that ultimately my job in life is to communicate how I went from numbing out from my existence and shutting down through various substances, to living a blissful life. This usually takes place via my writing and I am constantly writing notes down throughout the day when I am having conversations and thinking,

“That would make a good blog!”

But sometimes I also make videos or Facebook livestreams and some connect more with this medium so I thought I would share two that I have made over the last few days. Click the pictures to go to the QS public Facebook page to watch the short videos (1st one is 15 minutes and the second one is just two and a half).

Tomorrow it’s a blog as normal
‘Why’s It Such A Taboo Subject?’
And why does society NOT want us to get better….





Member Quote Of The Day:

In this section you will read something that has been said by one of the Quantum Sobriety Online Programme members over on the very lively private forum:

This group is truly a god send and amazing. Thank you for all the support.
E, Online Programme


Online Programme:

As soon as you join you will receive the first email from Jo containing a video with the forthcoming months theme, meditation and worksheets. You will be added to the private forum where the Quantum Sobriety team and community at large will be there to support you in your journey. We’ve made the cost of the course a no-brainer at £22 per month with weekly livestream trainings, monthly webinars, and the most supportive non-judgemental community who know how you are feeling and are waiting to support YOU in your journey to freedom.

Click here to join this amazing community today

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