Daily Motivation 264
Every Wednesday I am sharing some WOW’s with you; my teachers; my influences and who I am inspired by.
I hope you enjoy!
His Holiness Karmapa
After a weekend of teachings from His Holiness there have been many insights and ‘aha’ moments. I would like to share with you the real gems of the two days and what were my take-homes.
The first was how our flaws do not define us, with the example of a diamond….
âInitially it (a diamond) is covered by mud and earth. But this has no effect on the inherent value of the diamond. In the same way there are many kinds of sentient beings and they all possess different flaws, but these flaws have no effect on the inherent, high value of sentient beings. Their basic nature remains worthy of being cherishedâ
When we meditate we connect to our ‘basic nature’ and get to know this part of ourselves, thus connecting to it rather than identifying with our flaws. Many of us get so caught up in our addiction / difficult relationships / body consciousness etc… that we forget that these transient feelings and people are not who we really are.
Please join me today, and everyday, at 8am BST to meditate together on the quantum over on the Quantum Superpowers Facebook group and find connection to who YOUÂ really are.
Member Quote Of The Day:
In this section you will read something that has been said by one of the Quantum Sobriety Online Programme members over on the very lively private forum:
All this has happened in the 18 months of coming out of QS. No Alcohol, No Drugs, No Medication !!
It’s been so tough at times, but with meditation, discipline and support from QSÂ I am turning my dreams into my realityÂ

R, Residential Retreat and Online Programme
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