“You Can’t Afford NOT To Go”


Member Quote Of The Day.

Every Monday you will read something that has been said by one of the Quantum Sobriety Online Programme members over in our lively private forum:

Jo has asked me to summerise why I chose to come on a mini top up retreat having done the full retreat in May. Firstly I cant recommend the full retreat too much. My problem, aside from the booze, was all in compassing residual grief and guilt from the death of my husband 3 years ago. Even Jo said to me Why do you cry every time you mention his name? Having thought I was on top of the grief, locked away, (and at IG I was able to totally be myself and not worry that I was upsetting others and I did sob the entire time) I realised that they realised, I needed help to “let it all go” and basically get on with life. And surprisingly with the help of Anni and Carol it was as easy as that. Boom…!!
New old me (who frankly I hadnt seen since I was about 15!) , and a new reality, drink free. I knew I would like (probably need) a safety blanket boost after 3 months, but it was 5 months before I made it back. TBH my meditation was slipping, and I just wanted to be back at IG to soak it all back in, re absorb the atmosphere and ethos and remind myself of who I had been all that time ago in May.

This time I was the only QS person amongst 4 other “civilians”. I felt like an insider, I knew where to go, when and what to expect. I felt at home and included! Im very lucky to have been able to do both, and it was quite the right thing for me to go back and reaffirm Im on the right path and in the right lane.
Anyone who is on the fence about going …do it. I dithered for months worried about the expense til Sophie posted how one could not afford NOT to go.. and that was certainly true for me. 

G, Residential Retreat, Mini-Retreat & Online Programme


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