Wow! This Approach Can Help With Anything! 😮


Tour Update.

In Galway, Ireland we had another great workshop and I’m struck by how different each meeting is. Last night was very social and Dara explained that Irish/Galway people are very inclusive. It is the first workshop where we’ve had people turn up who haven’t booked simply because someone had told them about where they were going, and they wanted to also find out about QS. And when I asked the crowd who regularly meditated, everyone bar one put their hand up; interesting, and as it turned out they were all in the right place.

It is becoming very clear the importance of having localised gatherings to meet the needs of each region, with every workshop thus far giving positive responses to the offer of such a monthly meeting, and the Guides and me find that very very exciting.

So far three workshops
So far three monthly meetings being planned:
London, Edinburgh and Galway
Sheffield next
And I wonder what tomorrows gathering will bring…

Todays post is very much about sharing with the QS community at large how each region has received QS, and tomorrow I will share how I personally am finding the experience. For now let me leave you with just a few of the participants’ feedback….


I’m glad I attended this workshop and I’m delighted to see another approach to addressing addiction and the use of meditation within it. Recovery and knowing the mind go hand in hand, fair play!”

Very pleasant and informative. Encouraging, endearing facilitators”

Interesting, giving me food for thought”

Jo and Dara did a fantastic job on introducing QS. So nice to meet Dara at last. For me it was an injection of the QS magic – giving more hope, belief and inspiration. Thank you both”

It was really interesting and I’m really happy knowing that this is here, I believe, to help with anything. THANK YOU”

A selection of Galway workshop attendees

The QS Tour

Sheffield: TOMORROW 
Hagglers Corner, 1pm – 3pm

It’s not too late to book your place

Jo and Dara last night

All the information here:

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