Daily Motivation 330
WHY do you drink that drink, eat that cake, take that drug or shout at hubby?
WHY do you give in to the urge when it strikes?
WHY do you do it even though you’ve said you’re not going to any longer?
Have a think about it NOW
Close your eyes
Become aware of your breath
Follow the inhale all the way in
Follow the exhale all the way out
Do this for a few minutes at least to stabilise your mind
Ask the questions again:
WHY do you drink that drink, eat that cake, take that drug or shout at hubby?
WHY do you give in to the urge when it strikes?
WHY do you do it even though you’ve said you’re not going to any longer?
The answer is of course that on some level you do these things because you believe they are going to make you happy
There is a feeling of LACK
Something is missing
Which you then perceive you will FILL by taking the drink, eating the cake, taking the drug or shouting at hubby.
It is the very substance that is causing the lack in the first place – physical level
There is a lack belief UNDERNEATH the substance that is driving the need for it – emotional level
Something is out of alignment – energetic level
What you could ask yourself instead is ‘what is lacking’?
Why am I taking these substances / behaving in such a way, when all I really want to do is get myself back to where I was before I got addicted:
No-thing external to yourself can bring you back to
That all comes from within
So work on the beliefs that lie underneath the whole situation and you crack the addicted conundrum. There will be no ‘shenpa’ (Tibetan word for urge) around the substance / behaviour any longer, and it will be released effortlessly.
Meditation is the door into this inner world of yours, where the answers ALL lie
So did you meditate yesterday?
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Member Quote Of The Day:
In this section you will read something that has been said by one of the Quantum Sobriety Online Programme members over on the very lively private forum:

S, Residential Retreat and Online Programme
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