Daily Motivation 252
Close your eyes and think about what you have planned for this weekend:
Friday night
Saturday daytime
Saturday night
Sunday daytime
Sunday night
How do you want to be feeling on Sunday night when you go to bed?
Anxious, drunk and full of shame and regret?
Or pleased with yourself that you achieved what you actually want?
In your meditation today take your mind through each of the events that you have planned, including the relaxation of having no plans.
You were not born an addict
You were not born addicted to sugar / booze / drugs
You learnt to self-medicate
You learnt to soothe yourself with your substance of choice
You chose to numb out from the harshness of life
You mastered the art of ignoring the real problem and ‘having fun’ instead
You masked the truth and lived a lie
That is why you are here
You KNOW you deserve more
Your truth is calling out from deep within you
Otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this
This weekend has the potential of taking you to the next level of your life
Where do you want to go?
Into sobriety
Further in sobriety
Beyond sobriety
It is all possible here
This community contains those doing all three
Once you take your last drink, drug, binge you enter a new era
Quantum jump into the reality where you choose to honour your truth, and where you are able to realise who you really are
If you are where you were supposed to be there would be no struggle to be somewhere else, so the very fact that you wish to be somewhere else means that you are not supposed to be where you currently are. Some are happy exactly where they stand today; see no more potential in themselves, but the very fact that you are reading this means that there is a spark of probability within you; we only have dreams that are possible to manifest and no two of us has the same dream.
If you feel bad about feeding your addiction, that means you are destined for more.
Deep within your soul KNOWS its worth
And it is this value of self that will ultimately be the driving force of your journey into and beyond addiction.
Close your eyes and think about what you have planned for this weekend:
Friday night
Saturday daytime
Saturday night
Sunday daytime
Sunday night
How do you want to be feeling on Sunday night when you go to bed?
Anxious, drunk and full of shame and regret?
Or pleased with yourself that you achieved what you actually want?
In your meditation today take your mind through each of the events that you have planned, including the relaxation of having no plans.
May Focus:
Trigger Free Me
We are focusing on a new meditation this month over on the online programme called ‘Trigger Free Me’ and it is already giving a lot of support and taking many to the next level of their recovery. If you have been sitting on the fence and wondering if the online programme is for you then NOW could just be the time to join us and find the freedom that is inside you. See below for more information…
Member Quote Of The Day:
In this section you will read something that has been said by one of the Quantum Sobriety Online Programme members over on the very lively private forum:
❝I’ve been doing Trigger Free Me every time I switch on my laptop so first thing and last thing inluded. Sets me up for whatever I’ve switched on to do. I also have done it just before situations I’m a bit nervous about ❞
S, Residential Retreat and Online Programme
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