Where Is The Magic? ✨

Daily Motivation 312


I floated onto the train, noticing the different demographic on a Sunday to my usual journeys mid-week. One of many families sat behind me and I couldn’t help but listen to the conversation, which went a little like this,

“The economy is not helping my poor sons future”
“Who was the prime minister during the first world war”
“It’s so difficult to get a job” 

“Are we going to eat at McDonalds today?”

I observed and watched

On arrival into London it was like walking on a different planet
People rushing
I felt like I was walking on air
I sensed separation

Then sitting on the tube opposite a girl who was gurning and obviously travelling home from the night before (it was about 9.45am), taking me straight back to my own party days. She had sparkly smudged make-up, sunglasses, party clothes and a bindi on. I was suddenly transported back to when I was 18 and travelling back from an illegal rave in the countryside. My friend and I had to wait for the first train back into one side of London in the morning, to go back out the other way home! Oh the walk of shame, tiredness, and hope that nobody could see how wired we were.

Sitting next to party girl was work man; in a suit and on his way to employment. I remembered too travelling at weekends into my central London job envious of those who were out for pleasure.

I suddenly had a moment when I knew what Harry Potter must have felt like around the muggles!
Was I on a different planet?!
For I surely looked like the only one happy, smiling and loving life
Was I the only one experiencing the magic?
Could no one else see what I was?

I had a surge of gratitude
For my life
My practice which brought such balance and joy into my life
I know that there is much work to be done if Bentinho Massaro’s vision of an awakened planet by 2035 will be realised.

I was even more excited to get to the venue
I knew it was going to be an epic day
So many shifts happening as I came more into alignment with my truth
For sure more were to come

And they surely did
In the shadow of Sunday mornings powerful full moon energy I travelled to London and came home a different person. Our teachers hold the space for us to do the work, and it is important to find a teacher that shows you the magic that is around you, and enables you to unlock it yourself.

We each have a unique combination of requirements and all find something different in a teacher; some will be repelled by Bentinho whilst others drawn to his energy; likewise with my own particular way of writing and teaching.

And all you have to do is stay in alignment with YOUrself and you will be guided to the teacher; you don’t have to do anything else. It will all be clear and the path easy to follow, when it is the right one.

Then, immerse yourself into the teaching
Surrender yourself to it
For once there is trust you feel safe to let go
Last night I dreamt about losing everything, and I know that this is a signal of the ‘old’ me passing and a new, stronger, more focused Jo emerging from the ashes of what was. And it can be scary which is why having a community such as QS is vital for the support and guidance as you move more directly into the energy of who you really are; without the conditioning and expectation of everyone around you.

Welcome to the magic!
Welcome to the ‘real’ you!
Welcome HOME friend…

Member Quote Of The Day:

In this section you will read something that has been said by one of the Quantum Sobriety Online Programme members over on the very lively private forum:

❝So my phone has been doing weird things and all year one meditations have disappeared from the audio file folder i had them in. VERY annoying. So sitting here with a cacao downloading them all again to my laptop this time. So much amazing content, so so good to go over & refresh past topics & the monthly videos.
Sending love out to you all, we are part of something very precious xx❞

K, Online Programme

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