Too Scared To Come On Retreat? 😫


Too scared to join the online programme?
Too scared to come to a workshop?
Too scared to ask a question?
Too scared to be heard?
Too scared to be seen?
How does anyone know you are struggling otherwise? 
As soon as someone asks in our community there is an outpouring of support, but if you don’t ask how can we give? 
As soon as you ask the energy changes
As soon as you book onto a retreat / workshop / the online course the energy changes
As soon as you voice what is in your heart the energy changes
What do you need today?
Now go ask…

Member Quote Of The Week.

More inspirational words from someone just completing the five day residential retreat:

Very welcoming hosts, Jo and Dom did everything to make me welcome – the retreat itself gave me a very good insight and gave me back confidence to achieve whatever I am aiming to; including sobriety. Thank you

Residential Retreat and Online Member

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