Daily Motivation 227
It was my absolute pleasure to announce to QS members yesterday the next level of our community. We are growing and I have made official something that is already happening within the group naturally; a mentor system.
As we have been running the online programme for well over a year now there are many who are experiencing freedom and are able to support those new to the programme. This approach doesn’t just work for me and we have an ever growing group of individuals who are delving deeper into their lives and purpose, now that the addiction they joined up with has been transcended.
There are six Quantum Guides
From all over the UK and one from America
They join me in a life of freedom, meditating daily, entirely committed to being the best they can be in this life, and wanting to pay it forward for the next generation of freedom seekers.
We are living in exciting times
You cannot stand still
For the very desire to imprisons you in the past
We HAVE to keep moving, keep expanding, EMBRACE CHANGE
I’m proud of QS
Proud of the QS Guides
And proud of every single member who has joined and made the commitment to listen to the calling of their hearts, and begin the journey home.
Watch this space as I invite them to share, in their own words and their own time, what QS means to them and has helped them uncover within themselves. I sense that we just took a humungous step forwards, and as we do that we give permission for others to also. My mind feels like it’s blown up with the sudden realisation of all that is possible….
Member Quote Of The Day:
In this section you will read something that has been said by one of the Quantum Sobriety Online Programme members over on the very lively private forum, today in regards to the above announcement:
V, New Online Programme Member
J, Online Programme Member For More Than 1 Year
L, New Online Programme Member
J, New Online Programme Member
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