They Don’t Like Me 👀

A slice of motivation to support you this Monday
You are never alone you know
The answers are all within
And sometimes it is the smallest of triggers that sets the wheels in motion, for you to have such a monumental shift that you see EVERYTHING in a new way.

This can happen with a book you read, conversation you have, blog you consume, or a simple picture with a quote. You have the answer already, and it only takes the slightest thing to bring that knowledge up to the surface for you to embody. Perhaps it will be today, tomorrow, or next week, but know that on this path we are sure to keep uncovering more and more levels of understanding….

All of a sudden I had shifted from,
“They don’t like me, what’s wrong with me?”
“They don’t like me, what’s wrong with them?”

Member Quote Of The Day:

Read here something that has been said by one of the Quantum Sobriety Online Programme members over in our lively private forum:

If you do the QS retreat, or live near enough to call in for a Dom gong wash, DO IT. These things (meditation, gong washes, clean eating, fabulous high-vibe company, yoga, conscious living) changes lives. It changed mine.

 Residential Retreat and Online Member



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