The School Of Life 🎓


I’m going to be shifting my attention a little more over to the members of QS and the private community, and lessening the length of this daily offering to a motivational quote each morning. This has come from many people telling me that my daily emails are too long and that they would prefer something short and snappy; a bitesized chunk to take into their day. Equally the members of QS, who have made the commitment to be fully in the community would prefer something longer each day, so my lengthier musings will shift over to the secret group.

If you enjoy the deeper insights, and are still struggling to shake off an addiction to anything from booze to bad relationship patterns (and everything in-between) then now could just be the time to jump into the programme more fully. At £22 a month this community could give you the accountability that you are looking for to go to the next level.

The thing is the QS Online Programme is not a course for only one substance; it is a School Of Life; a template that you can take into any area of your life. Work, marriage, children, health; this technique with its meditations and the monthly theme we work on in the secret group, will affect it all.

And once you ‘get it’
You start to radiate it
YOU begin to be a beacon of truth for all those in your orbit

If QS resonates with you then you have been chosen to become one of the first groups of people who will be guiding the way for others

Why not join us
Open yourself up to unending possibilities
Be inspired by the bravest group of people I’ve ever had the privilege to meet
Now is the time to step into your potential
And there is an awful lot of support waiting to encourage you to open the door to your own unique truth….

ps. You’ll still get my full archive blog on a Saturday, and full latest blog on a Sunday; it’s only the week-day writings that will be shorter = snappy snippets to focus on each day 👌

Member Quote.

Read here something that has been said by one of the Quantum Sobriety Online Programme members over in our lively private forum:
Love you all sooooo much !
Just went live on my Facebook and talked about being sober !! 

E, Residential Retreat and Online Member


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