The Decision To Drink 💭


There is always a choice
We are all going to have a different Christmas Day
What is yours going to look like?
Hopefully you are reading this before the day gets going
And you can take a moment to think about your next moveClose your eyes
Become aware of your breathing
Drop down from the to-do list in your head
And tune into your heart

What do you want to be thinking about tonight when you go to bed?
“Shit, I f*cked the day up because I drank so much”
“Wow I am so proud of myself for staying sober”

Decide NOW which of those realities you are going to manifest
Jump into either one of those potentials
And then
Once you’ve chosen
No frigging matter what
Don’t let anyone else sway you
And most importantly do not doubt your decision

 the decision to drink is easy
the decision to not drink is easy
it is DOUBT which creates the problem
Actually you have the biggest opportunity of your life
Right here right now in your hands
Because if you stay sober you are going to MASSIVELY shift
Just imagine it
Tomorrow morning
Waking up fresh and proud
And taking that feeling into Boxing Day, the rest of the week, and then into the New Year
What a HUGE advantage you’re giving yourself
The biggest opportunity of your life
Why would you not?

Merry Sober Christmas

Member Quote.

Read here something that has been said by one of the Quantum Sobriety Online Programme members over in our lively private forum:

I’m loving being alcohol free, 49 days now. I love being present,
and am looking forward to a sober Christmas!  🙂

Online Member

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