Spring Is The Perfect Time For A New Routine 🐣🌞🌱

Daily Motivation 180

Welcome to March and welcome to Spring! 🐣🌞🌱
The month that brings so many possibilities here in the UK
So much promise
The birth our of potential….

In recent years there has been one thing that changed everything in my life (apart from meditation as that is obvious!), and I’d like to share it with you. Some of you will already have this information so it may serve as a reminder to you but for many it will be a new concept.

My own journey of transformation has taken many unforeseen turns with the emphasis on the gross addictions first, so that I was not destroying my health and those around me. And then once the booze, drugs and chemical food was eliminated I could focus my attention on more subtle imbalances in my life.

Once we begin to get evidence of the quantum working in our lives we can apply what we’ve learned to other areas, and this is what I’d like to talk about today.

I KNOW that what we believe we become, yet up until a couple of years ago I believed that I was an insomniac. So I decided to direct what I had learnt about manifestation here….

For a lifetime I had not been a morning person
I got up as late as I could get away with
And I grumbled if I had to get up before 8am
“But it’s the middle of the night!”

My ‘normal’ bedtime was midnight and ‘normal’ alarm at 8am, snooze til 9am, and pull myself out of bed after that. Now obviously I was drinking most nights so had a hangover plus was eating crap, so all of this has a massive negative effect on ones body.

All of that changed in June 2015 when I read the book ‘Miracle Morning‘ and had the shift that I could apply what I had done to get sober, to my morning routine (or lack of it). And so my journey into early mornings began and I cannot imagine ever going back now. This is a subject we will be looking at in great detail in the online programme as we step into the new month and season, and I will be sharing my own routine down to the last details with members.

TIP: What I learnt over the first six months of creating a routine is that you actually need to have a morning AND evening routine in place, otherwise you could burn out.
So what is your routine?
Are you committed to it like your sobriety?
What about putting the energy you used to put into drinking towards building up your life instead?
Thats what I do
Redirect what is already there, without denying this unbelievable force that is within me
For it takes a strong person to punish their bodies with a substance day in day out, we are not weak as society likes to tell us, oh no, we are strong.
We have misused this strength and allowed it to destroy us rather than be a positive in our lives, and for me a routine gives me a focus for this quality of tenacity.


Member Quote Of The Day:

In this section you will read something that has been said by one of the Quantum Sobriety Online Programme members over on the very lively private forum:

I am enough and feel amazing. This time last year was very different. Been an amazing year of change for me looking forward to what the future holds.
T, Online Programme


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