Spiritual Stability 🌳

Daily Motivation 314


Every time you meditate you are sending a message to your brain
Every time you meditate you are changing your brain
Every time you meditate you are slightly changing the course of your life

Every time you meditate you will touch in on the ‘sweet spot’ at least once, even if it is for a split second. You will have experienced the space that opens us when you are willing to give it all away and return ‘home’.

Coming home over and over again then becomes a pattern, a new habit, and SPIRITUAL STABILITY is the result. I’ve been doing this for 20 years and as I look back I can see the STABILITY increasing almost daily, and it never ends, not of course until full liberation occurs.

My practice has changed dramatically over the last two decades, meaning my brain is simply not what it used to be.

I think differently 🐵
I speak differently 🙊
I see differently 🙈
I hear differently 🙉
I act differently 🐒 

I sit on my cushion every single day
Make the commitment to myself
And let the thoughts go, settling in on the STABILITY that is in-between

And because this internal work is continually happening
My world has changed dramatically on the outside
Unrecognisable to 20, 10 or even five years ago
And with a STABLE practice it HAS to change

Would you like to think more expansively?
Would you like to speak more truthfully?
Would you like to see more clearly?
Would you like to truly listen to what others are saying?
Would you like to operate more effectively in the world?

What if I told you that all you had to do was MEDITATE everyday?
Even if for just ten or 15 minutes?
Would you?
Would you prioritise it over everything else?
For this is the irony of it,
When you realise that:

Once you MAKE THE SPACE for the practice,
The practice opens up space in the rest of your life

So if you’ve been trying to ‘fit it in’ to your busy schedule:
“I haven’t got time to meditate” 
You’ve just pushed away that which you are asking for, because

You literally cannot afford NOT to meditate if you are
Eating crap
Self-sabotaging in any area of your life
Craving anything (love, attention, substances etc..)
What if it could ALL be found WITHIN your practice?

Would you do it then?
Would you make the commitment?
Would you find just 10 or 15 minutes?

Read the below member quote about someone who did, and in just eight months their life has changed beyond recognition. Think what YOU could achieve, where YOU could go.


Member Quote Of The Day:

In this section you will read something that has been said by one of the Quantum Sobriety Online Programme members over on the very lively private forum:

❝Hello all! Now being 8 months sober I thought I would give a small encouraging update. I’ve been quiet for a while but checking in regularly and find such support in all your posts. At new year i did my retreat at inner guidance as I’d hit rock bottom, and needed help with my constant need to self soothe with wine. I went with an open heart and knew I needed support after trying sobriety twice before. On New Year’s Day we made a vision board with jo, and I being me made it as colourful and engaging as I could. I knew I never wanted to drink ever again, for me, my kids and my husband. I knew I wanted to make changes to everything, being more grateful, Being present, being “calm true and free” was my mantra and still is.. I also wanted to learn and open my mind, and when I did my board I had lots of Visual references to yoga, learning, retreats and self discovery. I wasn’t a yogi, never felt I worked hard enough in it, but the seed was planted then at inner guidance to open my mind to meditation, finding calm and being present in my body.
So as I sit here now….I can say that manifestation and my vision board are coming true in just 8 months. I’m now a qualified yoga teacher, after 3 intense weeks , I’m it! A real yogi! I’ve meditated every day for 8 months and I haven’t had a drink!!!! I’ve found my tribe, you as a massive support and my yoga family here. I’m feeling higher than I’ve ever felt before, have looked at myself in so many ways and I can say I love myself and the life I have and am gonna have! We are enough in all ways. Lots of love always , namaste 
🙏 Xxx❞
N, Residential Retreat and Online Programme

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