It’s been a month since I trained, what with being in Scotland on retreat for 10 days and then really not in the mood after that to up the tempo; instead enjoying the cocoon of my post-retreat calm.
Sometimes it’s hardto take the first step, it seems like such a huge leap of faith but once you do you wonder why on earth you didn’t before. I hear many comments like that from the QS community; shocked that not drinking/drugging/bingeing is actually so much easier than they had thought, that their fear being PROJECTED out was totally unfounded.
I began building up resistance about getting back into the gym because I was PROJECTING that I thought it was going to be tough. But actually I LOVED IT and I’ve been back in the gym everyday since; in fact it’s like I literally can’t stay out!
So what are you PROJECTING?
What are you expecting to be difficult?
Why are you making this more problematic than it needs to be?
I did this for literally years with cigarettes, cocaine, partying, drinking, food, codeine and caffeine. Round and round I went, struggling because I was told at every turn that it was supposed to be difficult, yet once I’d made the decision; stepped with both feet across to the next lane it became, dare I say it, not just easy but ENJOYABLE.
I remember when the craving for a drink would come along and I would laugh at it. For now I was seeing it for exactly what it was; a trick of the mind, an old habit, an outdated way of thinking. And like you regularly update your operating system on your computer so that it runs smoothly, you must keep updating your mindset; are you in alignment with your truth? And if the answer is that you are struggling then there is some work to be done in meditation; what needs to be recognised and adjusted?
For me the work continues even though the major addictions are gone.
I forever ask myself how can I be more in balance?
How can I be happier and healthier?
How can I be more true to who I really am in my work-life, home-life, family-life etc…
It continues to be the same work, but becoming more and more subtle.
See us addicts get to work out a system; first tackling the gross problems but then applying the learning to all areas of our lives. We get answers to questions that some never ask, because life for them never got critical.
So again I will say WE ARE THE LUCKY ONES.
We are in a position TODAY to look closely at our lives and question everything in it.
No more feeling like a victim; take control and ENJOY the process.
I’m off to meditate first and then get back in the gym! 💪
Member Quote Of The Day.
In this section you will read something that has been said by one of the Quantum Sobriety Online Programme members over on the very lively private forum:
“Was lucky that both my kids were invited out to tea tonight, so I could pop onto the webinar before work. Even 15mins was worth it. Love seeing you guys and I went to work more uplifted…”
“Jo thank you for being such an inspiration. You make everyone feel so good about the future.”“
~ Responses to last nights webinar