And into a 7 day retreat, with a day on either side for travel and absorption
I will be offline for all of that time
You will still receive a daily blog in my absence, which I have organised and scheduled for the next 8 days; they will be from the huge archive of my writing from the last few years.
It’s quite the momentus occasion, for since creating the QS online programme back at the beginning of 2016Â I have not been offline for such a long time. But the thing is EVERYONE needs a break from their routine, for it is only when we step outside of the norm that we see our life from a birdseye view.
And I know that everything is about to change
I can feel it
And I am so ready for the upgrade that has already begun
For as soon as you make the decision to step up, the energy shifts
The thing is when I shift
YOU have to also
My words and this blog will rearrange itself in a new way
I will write differently
YOUÂ will receive something new
What I feel right now is that civilisation is nearing a tipping point
And it is becoming critical to do the ‘inner work’ so that we pave the way for a new world to emerge. What this means is that we will no longer look back and hanker over what was, and we even will be able to let go of what is happening right now, for our attention, energy and awareness is being called forward to what is already breaking through.
What this looks like to me personally is the need to stop trying to fix what is already here, and instead concentrate of what is currently birthing. This is precisely what the addiction story has taught me, and now I am applying the exact same principles to everything in my life:
Meditation practice
and the list goes on…..
There are more and more people living like this too
Which is why the tipping point is getting closer
Our planet needs YOU too
The more we focus our attention collectively on where we want to go, rather than where we are moving from, the quicker our beautiful world will transcend into a higher vibration of love.
And it is this very intention that I take into my retreat today
How I can STABILISE what I am already getting astounding glimpses of
To do this I must step back from outside stimulus
And go deeper within than ever before
I know that I will return like a new person
Born into a higher frequency
Having been with one of my teachers IN PERSON for seven days
I know how powerful this is
Which is why I own a retreat centre myself; to offer a physical place for you to connect to your inner wisdom; a sacred space for you to learn how to do the ‘inner work’
So you see why it is so important for me to go offline for these days
To practice what I preach as they say!
I must do what I teach others to do
Otherwise it becomes a farce
I will see you on the other side
And on a whole New Level…
Member Quote Of The Day.
Read here something that has been said by one of the Quantum Sobriety Online Programme members over in our lively private forum: