I have a retreat centre
I invite others to come on retreat
I MUST go on retreat myself
Otherwise it is all a farce
I would not be walking the talk
And so here I go
Into retreat today
I’ll be gone for 11 days but the blogs will continue from the archive
If you’ve read them before then they will serve as a reminder, and if you have been part of this Daily Motivation blog for less than a year the words over the next 11 days will be new to you.
I am sure my writing will be different on my return
More open
More heart
More love
More insights
As I am going to Scotland to take part in a compassion practice
I do it every year
It’s like an MOT
And I always feel different after it
It is so important to take time out from ‘normal life’
To get perspective
To fill up your soul
To connect with pure consciousness
Take a break from busyness
And create time for the magic to happen
I will be aligning myself to my dreams
And asking where exactly 2017 is heading for me
Where do I want to go?
What are my intentions?
Where do YOU want to go?
What are YOUR intentions?
Perhaps if you cannot get away for longer, plan a day retreat in your home whilst I am away; turn your phone off, clear your diary, and do what makes your heart sing:
Meditate, walk in nature, eat natural healthy food, exercise, have a bath and/or read an inspiring book.
Fill your soul with self-love
Put yourself FIRST for a change
And watch as because of this internal shift, your outer experience HAS to transform also.
Meditation is a mini-retreat
15 or 30 minutes away from normality
Meditation is the training ground for greatness, for magic, happiness and contentment.
So keep at it in my absence!
I will be checking up on you on my return!
And have a great 11 days…..
*this blog was first published in March 2017
Member Quote Of The Day.
In this section you will read something that has been said by one of the Quantum Sobriety Online Programme members over on the very lively private forum:

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