I Am Your Snooze Button ⏰

Daily Motivation 284


Everyday for 284 days I’ve posted this blog somewhere between 6am and 8.30am; making the commitment AND STICKING TO IT.

It is your snooze button

A daily reminder to come back to your truth and connect to what is, or should be, most important to you; your relationship with YOURSELF.

What I am trying to convey is that consistency is key
You have to KEEP doing what is good for you over and over and over again, until it becomes second nature.

And I will continue to deliver a daily message for the foreseeable future; the information is really the same everyday, just said in a slightly different way. The message is going in on some level, even if it’s not consciously, and maybe it will be one particular sentence said in a certain way that suddenly allows the penny to drop and two neurons that have never had a relationship before, to join.

🔥 BOOM! 🔥

You just had an ‘aha’ moment
A shift
And you will never be the same again
Your brain changed
You can never go back
You upgraded

And that is why I will continue to be your snooze button
To wake you out of the slumber of mediocrity
For you have purpose
You are amazing
You deserve to be free
So please join me each morning in meditation, I livestream my own personal practice at 8am UK time (link below) and lets WAKE UP and become MORE of who we really are….

Member Quote Of The Day:

In this section you will read something that has been said by one of the Quantum Sobriety Online Programme members over on the very lively private forum:

❝We are the luckiest of souls to find QS and each other….Its the respect of individual addiction cases and the definition of creating a new reality like you weren’t an addict that makes QS so powerful. If you are on the forum and you have not been on to the retreat, you must figure a way to get there.❞
T, Residential Retreat and Online Programme

FREE Facebook Group:

Quantum Superpowers®️ is a FREE and PUBLIC Facebook group where I livestream my personal meditation practice each morning. You are very welcome to join me on the quantum where we will be collapsing time and space and meditating together, wherever you are in the world. This is not a led class (although TODAY is!), but at 8am GMT each morning there is a space for you to join me and set out your intentions.

Great accountability to get your daily practice up, running and stabilised




Connect with us:

Sign up to our latest news and offers and get Jo’s full Daily Motivation email straight to your inbox each morning:  www.eepurl.com/bPE1gH

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