How To Get MORE Than Ready ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ†๐Ÿƒ


Here we are
TOMORROW is here at last
And time to jump into a new version of myself

How will I cope?
How difficult will I find it?
What is going to happen?!

A colleague asked me over the weekend,

“So how are you feeling about Monday?”

I said,

“Excited that the day is finally just around the corner”

She replied,

“Ah so you’re not worried or anxious then?”

“No, quite the opposite”ย I answered,ย “I am so ready I could burst”

For meย this is the trick
What works when I wish to move out of my comfort zone and into a new space

P L A N ย a new regime out first
BEFORE implementing it
Create the space for it in my head
But don’tย act it out yet
Rather, setย a date in the near future
So that

I am MORE than ready when the day finally comes

So today there is no stress
No drama
I plan to have a very happy fruity birthday
With a huge salad for dinner

And I did this when I finally stopped drinking; set the date and GOT READY for it, so that all that happened was my body catching up to where my head ALREADY was on my quit day

So what do YOU want?
Where are YOU going?
What can YOU commit to today by setting a date in the near future for?
I’d love to know via reply to this email
Many of you have already been in touch inspired by my adventure, and mapping out your very own
We are inย transformationalย times
And remember
This year is all about PREPARING for
The year when much will change
And the more work you put in NOW
The easier the transition will be
Can you feel the excitement in the air…


Member Quote Of The Day.

In this section you will read something that has been said by one of the Quantum Sobriety Online Programme members over on the very lively private forum:

You are a very courageous lady and an inspiration Jo. I love the way you think!ย My next thing is my diet. I want to go gluten, dairy and caffeine free first and would love to follow you in your footsteps. All the best!

Online Member



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