Harm Me, Harm You 👩🏼🌍👨🏾

Daily Motivation 347


We are all one
The collective
Joined by a force we cannot see
And we have entered an age of understanding, compassion, of greater love

When you harm others you also harm self
When you harm self you are also harming others

Cut one, cut all
Punch self, punch the collective
Destroy one, destroy all
Abuse self, abuse us all

Even if it feels as though this is not happening, know that it is;
I feel YOUR pain
And you are witness to mine
We are one

I love me
I love you
I love all

Member Quote Of The Day:

In this section you will read something that has been said by one of the Quantum Sobriety Online Programme members over on the very lively private forum:

❝I love the idea ‘S’ of, no matter how flat you feel, you will pin your bum to a cushion. An inspiration for me when meditation is tough. I never miss it now, I can’t bear how I feel when I don’t prioritise it like you.
I have felt the fangs of addiction recently, trying to seduce me – but I want this new life more than I want a drink.
This time next week I shall have moved in to ***, ready for the QS retreat on the 21st. I feel excited, happy, sad, scared, joyful, fearful – I guess the point is, that today, I FEEL!!!

L, Online Programme

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