Happy Being Me ๐Ÿ˜ƒ


Every Monday you will read something that has been said by one of the Quantum Sobriety Online Programme members over in the very lively private forum:

Although I have still have big teenager daughter stresses , I have had a really good day. Something has happened that feels amazing
And all it is, is I just got hired for some work because of who I am.
That feels wonderful, it’s different to being hired because of what you can do and your skills. That is a huge part of being hired for work of course, but to be told I want to work with you and no one else because of who you are as a person . I like how you do things and you’re quirky has given me such a heart boost.
For years I separated myself into different sections of myself.
The spiritual me only showed that side of myself to my spiritual friends.
I separated the healthy me from the binge drinking me and had different sets of people around me for both of them.
I had my kids and the people around me who fitted into that bit.
It has only been since I stopped drinking that I started to integrate it all together .
It was only since I stopped drinking, I started showing up as my REAL self on everything I do and say.
I discovered I AM probably even more bonkers as a soberista and it’s been quite scary showing that to the world, but at least I can own it as my natural behaviour, rather than drunken behaviour which counts for a lot.
It’s only since I stopped drinking that I feel a lot less of a fraud.
So to be hired by a hugely professional, sensible and successful woman because she likes the REAL me is massive for me.
I am really really grateful to myself for being brave enough to show up
And really really grateful to youย Jo De Rosaย for being the biggest inspiration for me in doing this showing up thing.
It’s not easy when you (as in me) are a complicated contrast of a person, even when you’re sober. X”

J, Online Programme

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