Daily Motivation 223
In actual fact there are many more than than this but four levels of perception is a good place to get our heads for now. This is something that I was presenting in a training this week and it’s good for us to get clear about how everything is shifting and changing all of the time, so that we don’t feel stuck.
In the diagram there are four circles
And we will begin in the beginning yellow circle, numbered 1
This is a world where we are addicted, stuck, paralysed with fear for the future and unsure as to HOW we are going to make the next step, let alone find freedom.
The door to the next stage, the blue circle numbered 2, does sometimes open and we do occasionally pop our head out and have a look at this new world that we are not yet ready to jump into.
We cannot see any further than the circle that is beside the one we are currently in. We may have heard stories of it, been told about it, but we cannot comprehend its energy thus far.
So we do some inner work
We meditate
We become mindful
We journal
We connect with our hearts, our truth, our essence
And then we are ready to make the quantum leap into the next reality of perception
We step into the next circle
Now we have expanded our level of consciousness and see everything differently
Once we have made this step up it is permanent, because your brain has physiologically changed 👍
So here we are, now firmly living in circle 2
Getting used to our new surroundings and watching as everything in our life adjusts to this new vibration
Soon we are ready to peek out of the next door and see a world of purple in circle 3
However when we look we are overwhelmed with how different it looks so we scurry back to our comfort zone. But we already know that the path we are on will at some point ask us to make that next transition.
So we do some inner work
We meditate
We become mindful
We journal
We connect with our hearts, our truth, our essence
And then we are ready to make the quantum leap into the next reality of perception
We step into the next circle
Now we have expanded our level of consciousness and see everything differently
Once we have made this step up it is permanent, because your brain has physiologically changed 👍
Can you see how it works?
The small baby steps seeming so insignificant at the time, but all leading us gradually to the edge of our comfort zone and then off out into the stratosphere of the next level of living.
At some point we look back at where we began and hardly recognise ourselves,
‘Did I really used to think like that?’
‘Was I really so stuck that I felt that incapacitated?’
‘I can’t believe I used to think I didn’t deserve happiness’
Different people look at the same situation and have opposing views
(just look at politics)
We KNOW that our perception could be different
We KNOW that change is possible
We’ve just got to jump into the level of expanded consciousness to begin to witness the external shifts, and this is exactly what we’re working on right now in the online course; a meditation to do just this which I will be sharing on Sunday with members. So if you’ve been thinking about joining QS for a while, then now could be the perfect time to make that jump into YOUR expanded future….
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