External and Internal Storms 🌀

Every Wednesday I am sharing some WOW’s with you; my teachers; my influences and who I am inspired by.
I hope you enjoy!

Marianne wrote this on Saturday, as hurricane Irma approached her country and on Sunday I was literally glued to the TV as I watched the storm bear down on Florida. I’ve never watched anything like it live; the technology we have on this day that withstands such force, and allowed us the privilege of joining our American family in the eye of the storm. I have not watched as much TV in a long time but it seemed respectful to tune in and send love….

Marianne Williamson.

“As dramatic as the storms are on external levels, they are on internal ones as well. The displacement, the fear, the loss, the unknowing, the compassion, the lessons learned, the humility gained, the destruction, the power, the horror, the devastation, the awe before nature realized, the heroism both noticed and unnoticed….and the storm hasn’t even packed its entire wallop yet. Prayers for the Caribbean islands, prayers for Cuba, prayers for Florida, prayers for everyone affected by this in any way. May angels accompany you in your trying times and may all of us learn the lessons here. May this event make all of us more compassionate people, not just for the duration of the storm but for the duration of our lives. May everyone emerge from this a better person, with a heart more open and a greater appreciation for the fragility of life. To those of you experiencing the effects of the hurricane firsthand, I so hope you can feel the love that millions are pouring towards you. People around the world are praying for you. You will get through this. You are not alone. God is with you and so are we.”

Member Quote Of The Day.

In this section you will read something that has been said by one of the Quantum Sobriety Online Programme members over on the very lively private forum:

I’d say that even by asking that question you know the answer. First few months are a tough ride in terms of realising and overcoming your triggers, and a new relationship is just magical but can put you in a pressure place but at the same time it’s all too new to be able to maybe speak to the other person about how you feel (cos it’s too new to open up in vulnerability) so I’d say get steady on your skates and then join the dance, revel in it and enjoy but make sure you’re on your own path first. How exciting, dating!! I wish you beautiful times ahead! xxx

L, Online Programme


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