Everything Out In The Open 🍷


Another QS Graduate had this to say on completion of the three year programme:

“My addiction was an escape, a coping mechanism and partly learned behaviour from my culture and family. It delayed my self-study and personal development but it was a necessary part of my life. I am proud of myself for deciding to quit and changing my thinking from guilt and self-loathing to understanding and self-compassion. Much of this was achieved rapidly and easily on the QS residential retreat. I haven’t felt ashamed since then and that has freed up mental energy to direct towards living the life I actually want. I’m grateful that I’ve been modelling overcoming addiction and learning to control my emotions and therefore my behaviours and therefore my life to my teenage daughter. This process was kickstarted by the QS practice of daily meditation, self-exploration and teasing out of thought processes (by journalling or discussion with other QS members in the webinars or in the Facebook forum), and accountability in the forum. 

I have more mental focus since I stopped drinking (and dealing with hangovers).
I believe in myself more – that I can go after my dreams and achieve them. This is due to continual reminders via Jo’s blogs and many discussions in the forum that anything is possible in quantum physics and that our thoughts and words direct us down the path we are choosing, whether we realise it or not. I have received much encouragement in my endeavours (via the forum) so have felt able to try new things (or vent when overloaded!)

I have been more open with my daughter – showing her vulnerability. I have felt able to discuss my past, my fears, my struggles (as individual and as parent) with her.
I noticed during my QS residential retreat that there was no such thing as a “private” conversation – everything was out in the open. I realised how alien this was to me, having grown up in an alcoholic household where secrets, repression and not talking about elephants in rooms was normal. I am happy to have broken this cycle for me and my daughter. She told me this week that she appreciates never having to hide her feelings at home since she was a child. I’m happy about this.”

Dara, Ireland


Member Quote Of The Day.

In this section you will read something that has been said by one of the Quantum Sobriety Online Programme members over on the very lively private forum:

I feel the love and support from each and everyone of you, every single day. And I’m feeling more empowered. I am a warrior, not a loser, and I’m going to get this xx

Online Member


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