Drunk At Breakfast 😖


It’s 7am and we’ve checked our bags in and have settled down for breakfast while we wait for our flight. We tend to always choose earlier flights as we’re both up early everyday anyway and it’s good to just get there, right?

And it’s always the same.
People drinking copious amounts for breakfast ‘because they’re on holiday’
And even though it’s probably not even their normal breakfast time, for some reason all of the airport pubs are packed and the champagne bar is filled with genteel couples celebrating their travels.

They’ll all have a hangover halfway through their flight (if they don’t carry on drinking which i’m sure many will) and realise what a stupid idea it was to have a few glasses of wine at 7am. And i’ve been there believe me; so drunk on a flight that the captain had to come to the back of the aircraft to ask the group I was drinking with (complete strangers) to keep the noise down as it was a night flight and everyone was trying to sleep. The stewardesses had repeatedly asked us to pipe down but we were having too much fun with the free booze.

I stumbled off the plane and realised when I got to baggage reclaim that i’d forgotten a bag and had to walk all the way back to where I had just got off to retrieve it. And I only remember this in patches as I really was very close to comatose. The person that was picking me up at the airport was not best pleased I can tell you, quite rightly.

All of these memories have come pouring in as I look around the departure lounge watching drunken behaviour at breakfast. I’m shocked at how acceptable this really is, and the numbers that are joining in, and todays blog really is about letting you know how different I am now and how you really can change your reality to the point that you simply just do not want to join in this damaging game any longer.

Whenever I travel I prepare food to take with me. We’ve had three nights in London which means a huge box of organic salad has travelled with us and the remnants of that will accompany vegan lunch on the plane (don’t want to rely solely on this!)

The point that I’d really like to make here is of PREPARATION
The veg didn’t wash itself and jump in the bag
The nuts didn’t get purchased on their own
You’ve got to have a plan to eat healthily and not get pulled into old patterns of drinking / drugging / binge-eating.

Many QS members report that airports and travelling are huge triggers for them, just like Christmas is for others. So get prepared, know what you’re going to eat at the airport; what you’re going to drink on Christmas day, and don’t get caught up with the ‘celebrations’ and end up in a semi-conscious state, all in the name of fun.

*this blog was first published in December 2016

Member Quote.

Read here something that has been said by one of the Quantum Sobriety Online Programme members over in our lively private forum:
Thanks Jo for giving us such a great toolbox
to work through our emotions
Online Member

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