Day 10
The Question.

I got asked the question (“What is the Quantum in QS?”) over in the private forum a few days ago and thought mine, and some of the other members’ responses may interest you:
Particles act differently when there is someone watching, which ultimately means that WE affect energy.
This means that life doesn’t just happen TO us, rather it happens BECAUSE of us.
As I write this I am sitting on a packed train; there are at least 100 people just on my carriage. And we are ALL having a different experience:
– Some are sleeping
– Some are watching movies on their devices
– Most are on their phones!
– A few are looking out of the window
– A lot are reading the Evening Standard
– Quite a few like me are on laptops
– And the girl opposite me has bitten all the skin around every single finger whilst I’ve been writing
We are ALL experiencing this space in a different way, and the reason it’s different is WHAT WE ARE THINKING AND BELIEVING.
We can ONLY experience what we believe.
So you cannot experience freedom in sobriety if you don’t believe it exists. Someone couldn’t win an olympic gold if they didn’t think they were capable of it; and most don’t even attempt it because it’s too far out of reach.
We are taught that to stop drinking excessively is difficult and we will struggle, so if we believe this then that HAS to be your experience. What QS is doing is explaining the science behind freedom in sobriety so that you can believe it and then create it for yourself.
There was something in me that knew I could experience freedom even though no one around me was giving me the permission that I am giving you now. As a bit of a stubborn cow and rebel (I got married in black!) I was determined to achieve what everyone told me was impossible: freedom in sobriety. And now it’s your turn, to have the evidence right here in me and to take this knowledge and BELIEVE yourself.
YOU are the creator of your experience, no one else.
YOU decide if this journey is hard or not.
If you believe that is has to be then it will be.
But, if you DARE to go against what society says you can walk this path with me of ease and grace, and the amazing thing is that SCIENCE BACKS THIS UP!
So if particles will only act as you direct them to, this means we are building our reality and RIGHT NOW is the time to begin to create EXACTLY what you want to experience.
How frigging cool is that?!”
“…essentially appyiing quantum theory to the meaning of life. Quantum theory being the theoretical basis of modern physics that explains the nature and behavior of matter and energy on the atomic and subatomic level (which is mindblowing!!). So to me what it’s all about is seeking to understand the nature of self, that we are all one (made of the same atomic building blocks), we are all part of the same thing, that everything is possible, reality is what we believe it to be, that connection is the essence of who we are. Quantum sobriety is the quantimization of sobriety. That’s my take.”
“Quantum Theory being all about how things are made and the mystery of how something can appear and reappear is like changing our energetic structure to rebuild ourselves.. The atoms which compose us ARE made mostly of space and so reassembling ourselves is easier than some may have you believe… Thats how I see it”
The level of support member to member is phenomenal; I’ve had an uber busy week and didn’t get in to the forum to answer the question for a few days but you can see that Sophie’s and Victoria’s answers were spot on and the member that asked was more than happy.
Does it make sense to you?
Day 11
How’s Your Head?

So it’s Sunday morning and I’m sending this out to you before 7am having got up as I do everyday at 5:30am. I’m sober, I’m full of energy, I can’t wait to get my day started.
But I can assure you that it hasn’t always been a bright eyed and bushy tailed Jo first thing on a Sunday morning.
Sundays were my nemesis up until the age of 40 which is when I saw my very first sober one, and I have to tell you that it was weird. Add to the fact that I’ve not had children and therefore not experienced the abstinence time of pregnancy = I had never seen this hour before!
Now I love it.
This weekend we have a houseful of those on retreat, and I am the only one up. It’s quiet inside the house as I watch and listen to the dawn chorus playing outside; like the performance is just for me. I feel so grateful that I am witness to this every morning; this sacred time that only a few choose to experience.
Long gone are the days of hanging all day, of headaches and binge eating to compensate for the abuse that occurred the night before; all in the name of ‘fun’. I’ve said goodbye for good to that world in favour of a heightening of my senses and an opening to all that the natural world offers. Why on earth did I deny this for so many years?
So yes today I am SMUG
Every Sunday too
It is the day that I get to revel in my sobriety success, for the shift is brimming; my new life overflowing with joy, pride, and a feeling that thank god I opened my eyes and my heart in time to witness this beautiful morning…..
Day 12
Monday Already?

I spent twelve years commuting into central London to the same building everyday, so I know what it’s like to be in the ‘rat-race’. Up at 6am, leave the house at 6.45am, start work at 8am, finish at 6pm, home at 7.30pm, cook dinner, get stoned, have an argument with my then boyfriend, go to bed, up at 6am, leave the house at 6.45am and the whole thing would start again like clockwork.
No wonder I needed to escape at the weekend
I needed a release from the depressing routine of not just mediocrity but ultimately from a life that was slowly killing me; a job that wore me down; a relationship that was unhealthy on every level; and BECAUSE of these two main factors, the drink and drugs that came at the weekend to relieve the dissatisfaction that was coursing through my veins.
I was numbing out on a grand scale; obliterating my mundane reality and taking myself for a few hours to a place where I felt free, at ease and happy. On drugs me and my then partner even liked each other, on drugs there were no problems and I took more and more so that this sense of contentment could last.
But Monday morning always came,
and with it my colourless existence returned
Up at 6am, leave the house at 6.45am, start work at 8am, finish at 6pm, home at 7.30pm, cook dinner, get stoned, have an argument with my then boyfriend, go to bed, up at 6am, leave the house at 6.45am etc…..
Looking back 20 years I can see it wasn’t the drugs that were the problem, it was the job and the relationship; they were the wounds that created the desire to numb out. So change them and I would be well on the way to reinventing myself, which is exactly what I did.
I left the job in April 2000
I left the relationship in 2002
The journey to freedom had begun…..
I then entered a period of my life where I changed a lot of my external situations; moved to Thailand, broke off the engagement to above boyfriend, started working for myself etc.., and immediately discontent lifted and I became happier. The true work had begun and I started to also do the inner work; yoga and meditation which connected me to my essence, my true nature, to source.
And then once you are living from this place it doesn’t matter what day you wake up for there are never any blues…
I love the fact that today is Monday
It means that a new group of people are arriving at the retreat centre.
I love Mondays in the exact same way as Sundays or Thursdays and you will NEVER hear me say ‘thank god it’s Friday‘, for if you are wishing your life away for the weekend you are not living, you are just surviving, and that is not a place I want to be ever again.
So QS is my roadmap to this place of freedom in my heart that YOU can find too. We are ALL meant to live from here; to enjoy every single day of this amazing life, not just the weekends, and I want to show you how to do that. So are you ready to give up the Monday morning blues forever?
Day 13
The Complete Contradiction Of Alcohol.
I had an email from someone who receives this Daily Motivation blog over the weekend and he sent me a quote which I’d like to share with you, author unknown.
It captures exactly how I feel about alcohol and also what I have witnessed in both myself and others. We began our monthly five day residential QS retreat yesterday and it is exactly the following that we will be tackling today; to remove the conditioning around our addiction to a poison….
Memories Of Alcohol
“I drank for happiness and became unhappy.
I drank for joy and became miserable.
I drank for sociability and became argumentative.
I drank for sophistication and became obnoxious.
I drank for friendship and made enemies.
I drank for sleep and wok up tired.
I drink for strength and felt weak.
I drank for relaxation and got the shakes.
I drank for courage and became afraid.
I drank for confidence and became doubtful.
I drank to make conversation easier and slurred my speech.
I drank to feel heavenly and ended up feeling like hell.”
We Are Conditioned To Think Like This!
It’s no wonder we are playing out these stories because in every card shop, at every wedding, on each birthday there is a societal expectation to celebrate with a drink; to commiserate with a drink (how can one substance have the opposite effect?). How can it give us energy so that we are the life and soul of the party AND relax us?
We Are Being Told A Lie!
It cannot do both of these things. We are being lied to, just like the cigarette companies did a few decades ago and look how the world has now opened up to that now. We are now witnessing the same awakening around sugar; at last we are hearing the truth more and more; sugar kills and makes you fat.
Next it will be alcohol.
Eyes wide open to the fact that it KILLS and takes away.
It gives you NOTHING in return yet promises to give you much.
Which fabricated story are YOU running?
- It relaxes me
- It gives me confidence
- It helps me to sleep
- It keeps me awake
- I can’t have fun without it
Now take away the story and believe what I am about to say:
I’ll talk more on this tomorrow….
Day 14
You Are Enough Already

We are at the mid-point of this months residential retreat and once again this pattern is coming up; a feeling of not being enough. And whether it’s something that we’ve picked up on from our parents, our friends, the media or our partner it is like we become glued to the past. Stuck to an old pattern unwilling to move forwards and evolve, this belief will quite literally hold you back from not just sobriety but success in all areas of your life.
It is the one element that I see time and time again and it quite literally is like a lead weight around your feet in the middle of the ocean: you are not going to get anywhere.
So the answer is to reach down and cut away the cords that are attached to the load holding you down, so that you can set yourself free and create the life of your dreams; that is what we will be doing today on retreat. We’ve gone back and got the ‘why’, and for the rest of the week we’ll be creating the ‘what now’ but right now today it’s about switching things up and making the decision that whatever happened to you in the past, whether that be loss, abuse or simply the arrival of a younger sibling which completely changed the equilibrium of your world, is no longer going to define you.
Right now you can do that.
Make the decision.
Choose a different reality.
Make today different.
The day you realise that you are as worthy as me or anyone else.
The day you understand that WE ALL have a backpack of baggage we carry around which holds us under the surface; never to truly live our potential.
The day you take off the burden and realise that it no longer has to be your story; that in fact you can rewrite the script anytime you want:
Right now you can do that.
Make the decision.
Choose a different reality.
Make today different.
What are you waiting for?
Why are you living in the past?
Why not come and join me in the world of unlimited potential, a life that is literally WAITING for you to shift your mindset so that you can live your dreams.
Success, sobriety, love: abundance in all categories; all waiting for you to collect, believe and live.
Make TODAY that day…. |