Day 120
I went viral yesterday.
You just never know what is going to go viral on Facebook.
But I did yesterday and I didn’t even say a word.
I had an idea during my meditation to video my own personal yoga practice, and I just happened to be in my onesie and listening to progressive house music. See for yourself what the fuss is about and why so many people liked, loved, shared and commented.
I personally think the post went viral because it was real and we are bombarded with so much fakery on social media that when something comes along that is a little bit different but comes from the heart, the audience connects with it.
Most yoga classes that you go to do not play house music, and to be honest neither do I in my classes. But this is the sort of music that I LOVE myself and indulge in when exercising; whether that is yoga or weight training, plus living in the middle of nowhere means I can crank the volume up as much as I like!
What I wrote above the video was this:
“Once a raver always a raver, and now a yogini raver 💃🏻
Do things your own way
Do what makes you feel good
Follow your bliss, your heart, your truth 💜
This is what I got up to this morning 🕉
Yoga in your onesie 😬
#housemusic #yoga #letshaveit #newmoon”
What I wanted to get across is that you don’t have to do what everyone else does and follow the crowd. Living life the QS way means none of that ‘outer’ stuff matters, it’s what’s in your heart that counts. Learning to like, love and trust YOURSELF and live life from that place. I cannot tell you how much lighter and brighter my life has become since I did that and I think the viral video yesterday was total proof of that. Here are some of the comments that were left:
“I have only seen 2 posts from you and each time they have been the best of the day! Thank you for the friend request, I may have missed out on your awesomeness!”
“Good morning Jo. Just love that. Wanting more. Ready for the new year and some changes”
“Just perfect 👌🏼! Rave yoga needs to be a ‘thing’ (I’d be there with bells on…. ok, make that whistles!)”
“Love that! When’s the next yoga rave? I want to come “
“I was watching this when Jasmine came and ask who is it??, I said Jo, my friend with sparkly shoes , and she asked is she doing Jo-ga?? (Pronounced as your name) and my reply was: actually yes I think you should call it that!!!”
Show who you really are to the world
Because do you know what? The world is gonna LOVE YOU
No one wants to see fakery
No one cares what you’re wearing
But when you are shining your own light, everyone takes notice and can is captivated by your authentic presence.
That is beautiful
And it doesn’t happen after we’ve had a bottle of wine for then we have thrown a bucket of water on this lightness of being, doused our brilliance, extinguished all potential. We have to realise that the world wants us to sparkle and step up to all that is possible, and I know that I gave the green light to so many yesterday to do activities that they love and have never thought of combining before,
“I love this! I was a raver too! I never thought about doing it to dance music”
So today be in your brilliance
Listen to your heart
Live from your truth….
Watch the livestream I made on Wednesday on the Quantum Superpowers FREE Facebook group, where I give an exercise that you can do today and tomorrow which will lead up nicely to the:
New Years Eve meditation that I will be livestreaming at 7:30pm GMT
Day 121
Breaking the ancestral line.
What we are doing in QS is extraordinary
Literally breaking not just our own ancestral line but a societal one as well.
We are doing things differently to the rest; choosing not to drink and enjoying the process.
We are in the middle of our residential retreat which is celebrating it’s third birthday this month, and in that time we have seen time and again individuals who have been taught by their families and communities that drinking to excess is normal. For them it is hard to break through this conditioning as it is a behaviour that is so set. QS really serves as a permission slip to break down this repeated behaviour and give support where sometimes it is lacking in the family unit.
The UK has a big binge drinking culture.
And this has been going on for generations.
And that is you.
With this new year we are entering an era of truth.
There can be no more denying what our heart speaks, and if QS resonates with you then you have been chosen to become one of the first groups of people who will be guiding the way for others. Our online programme is coming up to its first years anniversary and already members are breaking free from their own addiction and supporting others to do the same; we become beacons of light who others are drawn to like moths to a flame; able to share our own journey and give the green light for others to do the same. Like a pebble in a still lake, the ripples travel onwards and outwards, reaching the next group of people ready for freedom in sobriety and living from truth, then the next and the next after that.
2 + 0 + 1 + 7 = 10 & 1 + 0 = 1
But as I was writing the date of this blog I also added up those numbers:
01 + 01 + 1 + 7 = 10 & 1 + 0 = 1
It all leads to oneness
No more separation
Head and heart speaking the same language
The realisation that we are all connected
I really do think we are the lucky ones, living in this age, here at the beginning of a world waking up and part of that process.
If you’re reading this then an inner strength has brought you to QS; it doesn’t attract weak or closed people. YOU are capable of breaking the ancestral and/or cultural line and all you need is support in doing just that.
I’m mega excited about what 2017 holds
Where we can go next
For I feel that we are forging ahead like the explorers of old, not into physical places but into our minds, into our beliefs, into the possibilities of this life. And I love being a pilgrim in this journey of life and sobriety, where are we going next?!
Last night those on retreat this week lit 105 candles for the 105 people who have committed to QS this year, and you will notice the bright light shining in the meditation livestream (link below). It was truly touching and beautiful
My own word for 2017 is ‘lightness’
And already for the past week I have been feeling a lightness of being, living and thinking.
For me 2016 was a massive training for I gave up overwhelm in 2015 and have been testing out the waters last year without it, and THIS year it steps up a gear and I begin the year and nine year cycle with a confidence in lightness that it totally new and exciting to me. QS rides on this energy of lightness, giving permission for others to also live this way; in ease and truth.
So Happy New Year
May 2017 bring you sobriety and happiness like the previous four years have done for me.
Literally six months into my sobriety the house (and business) that I now live in presented itself to me like the most monumental gift that could ever be given, and I know that it would NEVER have happened if i’d still been drinking.
I also know that the quantum has a sobriety gift for you.
In the shape of self-love, self-respect, contentment, and dignity.
And also an unknown gift; something that you cannot even imagine right now; something so magical that you will just KNOW when it comes that it is YOUR sobriety gift.
We are here
We’ve arrived
It’s time
My mantra is “Lightness fills my whole life”
And I am smiling as I write this, for I know I am sharing my lightness with you and thus easing your own journey towards it. Happy New Year!
New Year Meditation.
Catch up with last nights live meditation here. It was a journey into clearing the past nine year cycle and making way for the new and getting answers in how to do that….
Day 122
Why can’t I drink normally? And the gift is waiting.
Early on in our recovery we all ask this question, and it is a stage we all seem to go through before we break through to the other side.
‘Why can’t I drink ‘normally’
Time and time again I watch clients get frustrated with themselves for not being able to do this and especially at this time of year when everyone else seems to be having ‘fun’ with alcohol, drugs and food, we feel isolated and like the only one who can’t ‘just have one’.
How I see and describe the trying to be like everyone else when you’re not is living in ‘the grey area’; a place an addict gets stuck in with the belief that they can make themselves fit into a hole they never can. A place that is full of struggle, is difficult, and everlasting. It’s a place where you cannot ever experience freedom for there is always an element of having to TRY to moderate in social situations. There is continual effort and it is exhausting, and will always end in a binge and the subsequent regret, despair, remorse.
An addict CANNOT drink moderately and needs to learn (the hard way usually, the ‘hard bus’ as the chocolate shaman calls it) in their own time and come to a place of acceptance around this. The good news is that once here freedom is just around the corner; a place that can NEVER be found when in the grey area, for the grey area holds you in its grip and never allows you to get any further.
This is the very reason why I believe addicts are the lucky ones.
We have the chance of freedom.
We can step out of the grey area FOR GOOD and never have to deal with that dreadful place again.
This is freedom.
Once extracted you never even THINK about having a drink because why would you even want to put that poison in your body moderately???!!!!
Now you feel SORRY for those that are drinking moderately, for if they are not addicted and don’t have to do that then why on earth are they drinking a toxin for pleasure? You are either using it to numb out or give you something that us meditators can find naturally within ourselves; so who are the lucky ones?
On QS we begin to see life and drinking in a new way; realising that we are being given an opportunity that not everyone has and begin to see our addiction AS A GIFT.
Here is part of a conversation that happened on the private QS forum yesterday:
Person 1: “Finally did the meditation from last night, on my gosh, so touching seeing the candles being lit, so powerful knowing all that has happened in the last 9 years has propelled me to here, and the shift from guilt to gratitude for all those painful experiences that have lead me on this path ….which just amazes me. I’m so so grateful I found this group of amazing people and I thank Jo and you all for being there in always perfect divine timing. Huge love and a belated happy magical new year”
Person 2: “this group is changing my life on a daily basis and I am so bloody grateful and feel so lucky and supported. Finally I can see a future which is bright. I always felt so alone in my battles with booze. So happy to hear you say this, and the meditations are magical, you think they are not doing anything and then small shifts start to happen and 3 months in to the program, I am feeling free! Happy New Year to you and happy to meet you. Great timing too – something very powerful and purposeful about a New Year – good luck and keep posting”
Person 1: “Thank you ***, I did feel so alone and shameful about it, I’d look round and see everyone else drinking “normally” and wonder what was wrong with me and tried to justify drinking the whole time but I knew in my heart that it was all an illusion and it diminished me. And yes, to see a bright future instead of what I always thought would be a painful struggle is a revelation! Love that you’re 3 months in and feeling free, again so inspirational! Thank you!”
Person 2: “I think finding this group and community is a miracle. And if you have blips or drinking episodes along the way it’s OK. Share them because you’ll get so much support and advice and can move on quickly. They sometimes need to happen. And that’s the difference, there is no shame or judging because we’ve all been there in some shape or form. Connecting and sharing is really powerful. I can’t believe how excited I was about last night’s meditation and staying in!!! So somethings working. Lots of love”
Day 123
You haven’t done anything wrong: The proof.
As our QS residential retreat came to a close yesterday I was telling the group a few stories about how some of the most difficult times I’ve experienced over the last couple of decades have actually developed into magic in my life. You see none of it was wrong, it all had to be that way, and here is some proof.
Bankruptcy 💰
Back in 2007 I bought a franchise and was promised the world. It was going to make me tons of money doing what I loved. Less than two years later and I was filing for bankruptcy following six months of hell.
I didn’t have money to eat properly and was drinking heavily.
I felt like a total failure.
It was one of the lowest times of my life, and you’d think that I would regret buying into that particular company and going through that experience, but I don’t because I met my husband directly through the business. His business partner back then was married to the woman that I did my franchise training with and this married couple set us up on a blind dat, and well the rest is history as they say!
The point being that if I had not gone through that business experience then I wouldn’t have met Dom.
We wouldn’t have then gone on to run Inner Guidance Retreat Centre.
And I probably wouldn’t be sitting here writing this blog.
Quantum Sobriety 🍷
And then of course there is my addiction. The tears, the pain, the struggle, the despair, the regret, the horrors, the times of puking down the toilet.
Again I do not regret my addiction one bit because it has taught me so much about myself and forced me to dig so deep to find the answers that I needed to find freedom. I could not run QS without it and support countless people on their journey too. And again I would not be sitting here writing this blog, sharing my insights had I not been through that torment.
It was all meant to be.
None of it wrong.
All part of my life plan.
A journey.
One of our retreatees said that she did indeed see how her addiction and mental health issues have taught her so much about herself. She could see that some terrible things that happened to her when she was growing up had developed into unhealthy and destructive behaviour that she was now ready to release. You should see the lightness in them all as they left yesterday; so beautiful; all so excited to restart their lives without the baggage that they left behind, a clean slate and full toolbox of techniques to use to main the higher frequency achieved through hours of meditation every day.
It’s not a disease.
You don’t have to be addicted forever.
You CAN change.
I give you permission to.
You haven’t done anything wrong; just the best you could with the information that you had.
Believe in yourself and your dreams.
Set yourself free.
Day 124
Shaking the snow globe.
Don’t get stuck in the past for we have entered a new era now, one where it is all possible, WE CAN GO ANYWHERE, so don’t limit yourself only on where you have been for you are about to go somewhere you’ve not experienced before.
As we were driving home from a family event the other night I looked out of the window of the car and everything looked different. The road seemed wider, the windscreen more expansive and as I scanned the world around me EVERYTHING had been transformed. It was like I was seeing out of the eyes of someone else; getting an insight into a new world, a different planet even.
And I was shocked for I realised that it had happened, the event that I have been talking about for so long. We have all arrived in the new paradigm, no more talking about the future as it just materialised, WE ARE HERE.
I then got to thinking about how stuck we can get in our addiction. I remember that I became so associated with the Jo that was ‘trying to stop smoking’ that I couldn’t step into the Jo that ‘had stopped smoking’. And the same happened with booze, drugs and food; the TRYING and the STRUGGLE became who I was and I couldn’t see further than my own nose!
Now it’s time to see and live from our hearts rather than our eyes, for our eyes are giving us the manifestation of the past whereas living from the heart day to day is manifesting into the future. This is the big difference between the old and new eras and it is easy to pick up on where people are connected; whether or not they are living through their eyes or from their hearts.
For example I found out this week that this blog did not make it to the finals of the blogging awards. Of course I was very disappointed and initially I lived from my eyes, from what I was seeing; the manifestation of past beliefs; thoughts like,
“It’s not fair”
“An award would bring this blog into the mainstream and more people would see it”
However how much of this disappointment came from the HEAD, from LOGIC, from EGO?
And then I switched to the heart and the conversation went something like this,
“For whatever reason, and I’m sure it will become clear to me at some point, this is how it is meant to be and this blog is being lined up for something far greater which will get it to the people that resonate with it the most”
And I let it go.
The drama my ego was making in my mind.
How I used to think, behave, believe.
And when we apply this to our addiction our heart does not want to binge on toxins, our future does not want to be filled with it. The new paradigm is about flow, connection and heart so in effect you are saying NO to it if you continue to drink/drug/binge-eat.
The opposite of addiction is CONNECTION
Connection to the heart, to your truth
Do YOU feel the connection?
Imagine shaking a snow globe but in this quantum one the pieces that no longer fit the person you have become are discarded and only the bits that you want fall back into you; this is what is possible now and what daily meditation brings you to, and the gong wash below will speed up that process even more!
Live Gong Wash Meditation.
Yesterday’s locals meditation class was a gong wash; we do these every so often and our students love them. We decided last minute to livestream the whole meditation and here is the recording for you. It’s super powerful and the words above are inspired by what happened during this session yesterday. Enjoy!
Day 125
Your only job is to hold the frequency steady.
So can you begin to live FROM your heart?
Can you forego what you see with your eyes?
Can you fully comprehend that we are always given what is for our highest good when we are in alignment, so our job is simply to hold the vibration.
Is the noise of the head too noisy?
Are the layers that sit between head and heart too thick to be able to hear your true message?
Meditation takes us there instantly; it is the quickest path, and when we connect each morning this is when we have the opportunity to LIVE from here, and every word and action comes from here.
This is when we then HOLD the frequency that we found in our heart all day and take it into everything that we do; our relationships, family, job, interaction with the supermarket worker, brushing our teeth, writing emails, everything.
This is why a morning practice is so important as it taps into something first thing that you can then carry with you throughout the day. What if it really is that simple (it is) and that your ONLY job is to hold the high frequency steady and the rest is taken care FOR you?
So for today your job is to do just that.
Meditate now.
And then USE the practice all day and live from it.
Don’t use your eyes as proof of what is possible, use your heart.
And please report back because I really would like to know if you had a different day because of it…..
Day 126
I’ve given myself the most awful hangover I’ve had in ages.
Sometimes we have to go back don’t we, to learn the lesson fully, to go so deep that we are forced to do something about it. I don’t know about you but this is a pattern I’ve been playing out my whole life, and it happened again this week.
Wednesday night I had the first takeaway for six months and boy did I pay for it yesterday. And along with the physical pain of eating junk food that my body really didn’t appreciate, was a deep understanding and acknowledgement of what happened.
The whole thing was like an out-of-body experience.
I witnessed myself CRAVING chips. This is a pattern I’ve had the whole of my life; when others were coming out of clubs and having kebabs I always wanted chips. I love all chips; fat ones, skinny ones, crinkly ones, skin on, skin off, I don’t mind! So this was an old story that came up for another level of healing,
“Please can we get fish and chips”
I begged poor Dom who really didn’t want it at all and in the end he relented.
When it arrived I scoffed it quicker than any other food that I eat, and if you know me you will know what I am talking about: I AM A SLOW EATER and always the last to finish any meal. But with chips I scoff; it’s not like any other food.
As soon as I finished the plate (it was so much more food than I would normally eat) I felt sick and glutinous. It was so obvious that what I had just done was compulsive and greedy and I immediately regretted it.
The remorse
The guilt
The physical sickness
It was disgusting, which is what I felt.
My stomach felt like it was going to burst as it was filled with cheap fat, white potatoes, fish and batter; all things that are usually never in my diet.
I had absolutely lost my high vibe.
In the space of 15 minutes it was gone completely.
However because it was late we went to bed and luckily I fell asleep quickly.
I awoke to the most awful hangover I’ve had in ages.
For the first time in as long as I can remember I really struggled to pull myself from sleep, and then out of bed. As I sat down to write my mind felt blurred and unfocused, not able to let go of the weird dream I had been in. Words didn’t want to form and I felt unplugged to source.
With my spiced rooibos I decided to have some cacao; it helped raise my vibe and I felt myself begin to open and my connection reestablish. Words appeared on the page and normal flow was restored, then I sat down to meditate, worried that it would be a difficult session but pushed that negative thought out of my mind and made the decision to set the intention for a groundbreaking meditation, for as we know what we believe we become.
It was epic.
And gave me the idea to make a recording of it to share.
I turned the day around totally in an instant, because I decided it was to be so.
Anything is possible and your experience in life will be in alignment with what you believe.
I then spent the day doing ONLY high vibrational activities; meeting family, writing, connection with my tribe and eating and drinking ONLY fruit and vegetables.
And I began to wonder if I was going to be able to ever eat my beloved fish and chips again?
Was what I had experienced worth it?
For the process was so similar to how I was with drugs and booze:
- Craving
- Binging
- Regretting
I don’t like this behaviour in my life, it makes me feel like crap and I only want activities that lift me up. I’ll never say never but I know that something has shifted in me and the shock of my chip behaviour has made me look at food as my next challenge; I’ll be journalling around this subject to get some answers.
In QS we have many members who are with us for food issues, it’s as serious as any other addiction and sometimes even harder to overcome because you cannot cease eating like you can with drugs and alcohol; you have to learn control and moderation.
So I thank that plate of chips for giving me my next life lesson.
None of it is wrong and I have been given my next challenge.
The next layer
Next step
A deeper learning is being called for.
And I say YES to the challenge, I want to keep my vibe up for it’s a much easier world when you feel AWAKE and I already know that my path is all about becoming the best person I possibly can be, and then share my experiences; a little like a human guinea pig 🐭
And TODAY I celebrate teaching yoga for 16 years!
I cannot believe where the time has gone, and all the amazing people I have met in classes and taught over the years.
I dug out some testimonials from 16 years ago when I was teaching in Koh Samui, Thailand and a picture too!
“If you ever return to the UK i’ll be the first in line to join ou on another spiritual journey through yoga. Much love and respect” Antonia, UK
“The session at your place in Bo Phut was the most powerful practise i’ve ever experienced!” Sal, AUS
“Jo is calm, shines and radiates light, inspirational and funny too” Thomas, USA
Member Quote’s Of The Week.
In this section you will read something that has been said by one of the Quantum Sobriety Online Programme members over on the very lively private forum:
My emotions are mixed, going from excited to be getting rid of my wine addiction, to doubt and fear of can I really do this? I’ve tried so many ways and have learnt and trained in various healing methods, energy work etc but I always go back to square one and end up feeling like a failure.
I know that I was led to this programme, everything resonates with me and I hope though doing it i can free myself and in turn help others too.
I look forward to getting to know you” S, Online Programme
I can’t believe it was only 5 days, so much happened. It has been life changing and I felt the layers falling away gradually with each Meditation led by Jo with her open Heart and clear intentions, I’ve been on many retreats over the last 2 decades but this one has touched a place in my Heart and Soul that I never had the courage to allow others access to… I am grateful to Jo, Dom and the team for a wonderful Retreat. The food was amazing. Thank you QS for your wonderful work committed to changing people’s lives for the better” T, Residential Retreat and Online Programme
I’d be lying if I said that I am no longer experiencing intrusive thoughts, darker emotions and triggers (natural, as old neural pathways have had many years of trampling, “neurons that fire together, wire together”), but what I know in my heart now is that I can let them go… and they will pass. Over and over again if necessary. This insight and the spiritual connection which I gratefully experienced at the retreat was the beginning, and now it’s up to me to continue the good work to maintain this higher frequency of living with love, ease and trust. Developing beneficial habits and structure to my mornings will be a big part of this.” B, Residential Retreat and Online Programme