Conversations Of An Emerging World 💬


Every now and again a video comes along that makes so much sense to you that you have to watch it over and over again. Every single word that is said rings true and your whole soul says YES I AM WITH YOU.

This video did that to me eight months ago, and since then I have been sharing it with my tribe over and over again. And I realised that I haven’t yet shown it to this group so today is the day to do that. I hope you enjoy it as much as me and it is only four minutes long; four minutes that could change your life!

Click the screen below or here to watch, and enjoy….

Member Quote Of The Day.

Every Monday you will read something that has been said by one of the Quantum Sobriety Online Programme members over in our lively private forum:

Sitting here 8 days AF feeling physically fine and emotionally happy at the prospect of becoming mentally free of alcohol. The message from Jo that what you do now affects your future happiness and perception of yourself resonated with me. I don’t want to live in a cycle of shame and regret gnawing at the pit of my stomach.
S, Online Programme

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