Can You Fully Appreciate What You’ve Got? 👫


I went without so many things in retreat
Control over what I did

And coming out of this experience this year
I was overwhelmed with GRATITUDE

But why does it take for us to lose something
To fully appreciate it? 

Can we TODAY give thanks, and value what we have
Control over what we do
Our home
Our family

We have so very much
We are so very lucky
What are YOU grateful for today?


Member Quote Of The Day:

Read here something that has been said by one of the Quantum Sobriety Online Programme members over in our lively private forum:

I’m almost 3 years sober now and I don’t miss the drinks, hangovers or guilt trips one bit 🙂 Once you get used to not drinking you free up so much headspace. Everything gets better. You’ll sleep better, eat better and have way more energy. It all gets easier. I did the residential retreat and it was instrumental in allowing me to forgive myself, and move on. And to see that there’s no need for shame around any of your history, just the desire to learn how to love yourself from today. And you can do that. Sitting quietly with your thoughts for 5 minutes is a great start. Breathe. Notice and accept what is. And be kind to yourself. ❤️

Residential Retreat and Online Member


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