Who Is Your Higher Self? 😇


We hear a lot of talk about ‘higher self’
But who is your higher self?
The answer is important, and if you connect with the QS concept then you are already there…


And all of this quantum jumping that we do in our QS meditations and visualisations takes us DIRECTLY to a higher version of who we currently are

Higher self KNOWS
Higher self is already there
So you need to get into a conversation with this aspect of yourself today…

Member Quote.

In this section you will read something that has been said by one of the Quantum Sobriety Online Programme members over on the very lively private forum:

It may be Friday but if booze is your addiction keep strong on the way home from work tonight. A drink is not a reward – it is a double dose of poison (alcohol and sugar – yuk). Have a plan for something else to do tonight when you get home, something lovely to get yourself past the early evening trigger point. I’ll be online this evening and will keep an eye on the group from 5-7pm (GMT) so if you do feel triggered (to buy booze in the supermarket, drink while you are making supper etc), why not post to the group?

One of the QS Guides


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