What Would YOU Wish For? ✨


Take the following words into your day
Use them as a focus
Come back to them whenever you get pulled into drama or stress
Or when you forget that anything is possible…
I noticed an eyelash on my cheek
Habitually blew it away
& made a wish
What was I going to wish for?
I thought about it long & hard
& could not find anything
That I didn’t already have
& so I wished
For this state of gratitude
To remain forever

Member Quote.

In this section you will read something that has been said by one of the Quantum Sobriety Online Programme members over on the very lively private forum:

Just beginning what I’m calling part II of THE BOOK. So far, the book enabled me look at my refusal to exercise as pretty lame. Infinite choices….why pick a lumpy one?

Residential Retreat and Online Member


*this blog was originally published in June 2018


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