Time Travelling 🕐🕞🕔


I talked last week about there being no linear time, and take the case of travelling across time zones:
In one location it is 3pm
Another 4pm
One part of the world it is 9pm
And the opposite side of the planet 9am
You can fly across these imaginary borders in one day and gain / lose hours of your life

Can you see that we are tricking time every day of the week?

We’ve been in Spain this week which is just one hour difference to the UK but it got me thinking about how we trust something that is mostly completely intangible. And I can see our mindsets shifting towards a greater understanding and ACCEPTANCE of alternate realities in a more and more mainstream way.

Somewhere in the world I’ve already written this blog
Whilst in another it hasn’t even crossed my mind yet

In one reality I wrote this blog quicker
A different reality saw me struggling to get the words on the page
In another I thought it was a terrible idea!
And in this one I have collapsed the reality where it is as if the information is moving THROUGH me, a little like the Piano Meditation of a few days ago.

Maybe today you can think about all of the potential worlds you could choose from like time zones across the globe. Where do you want to be today? And just look at all of your options.
Now leap to the life where you are happy, content and peaceful
Yes it really can be as easy as crossing time zones
It is ONLY our beliefs that hold us back
For there are others already doing it, right?
You see them sober, free and seem to have it all
And that is totally possible for you too
It’s time to jump….


*this blog was first published in August 2017

Member Quote Of The Day.

In this section you will read something that has been said by one of the Quantum Sobriety Online Programme members over on the very lively private forum:

I have numbed out and made my life and my daughter’s life very difficult by drinking too much, shouting at her, flying into a sudden rage, staying in crisis mode in my mind and allowing anger, frustration and ultimately fear to run the show. Now I don’t have to do that anymore. I can turn on the happy hormones and let my body know it is safe. It really is a question of choosing our thoughts. Hallelujah!  
Residential Retreat and Online Member

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