Bliss Doesn’t Need Anaesthetising πŸ’‰

There is no longer any need to numb out because what I experience is my new state; peace and bliss.
Why would I want to numb out from bliss?
No one does.
Bliss doesn’t need enhancing
Bliss doesn’t need anaesthetising
Bliss is constant
Bliss is within me and around me
I am bliss

I talked about this in my latest livestream; that just one drink for me dulls my spirit
And so for me there is no point in taking that first drink
It is like the biggest motivation for me
I like bliss
I like peace
I like being in my own head

And when we CHOOSE to drink, we are CHOOSING to move away from this state
And I don’t buy into it any longer
I know where I want to be
I know I no longer want to step away from what is possible
So join me
In bliss
For it is waiting for you….

Member Quote Of The Day.

In this section you will read something that has been said by one of the Quantum Sobriety Online Programme members over on the very lively private forum:

❝Good morning. I hope you had a good day yesterday. Try not to worry if you didn’t. It’s important to forgive yourself, learn and move on. Visualise Future You and Trigger Free Me for you are that person. Go back to Trigger meditation. Make yourself and your sobriety a priority. Post in this group. Please don’t isolate. Remember that the opposite of addiction is connection and we are all here for each other. You are an amazing, beautiful person and you deserve freedom from addiction. Want it, believe it, do the work and it is yours.❞ 

S, Residential Retreat and Online Programme

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