Be Gone Paradox ๐Ÿ”€


Every Monday you will read something that has been said by one of the Quantum Sobriety Online Programme members over in the very lively private forum:

At the dawning you are my love,
you beckon full of promises, to be my friend, my rock.
You will take away the pain of loneliness and loss, you will fill me with confidence and joy, you will smooth the sharp edges, jagged, drawing my life’s blood.

I want you, my love…..though I can leave you in equal measure…..I am convinced.
Then, the paradox.
The rosy glow dims
your hubris knows no bounds
“you need me”, you whisper malevolently,
“you are mine, we are entwined, we are one, submit!
Night replaces day, the sun ceases to rise.

My friend is the enemy, a persistent sniper, a cruel opponent with no scruples.
My friend has invaded my brain, bombarding my senses with constant chatter…..even sugar looks like salt….faux friend.
My application for divorce is denied.
Yet, as the peace of meditation clarifies the truth, giving me permission to BELIEVE……
“Be silent!”
Daybreak, the dawning, I am a warrior, a survivor, a lover of life without you my friend.

Be gone paradox.

M, Residential Retreat and Online Programme

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