Online Book Launch Party 🚀
Sunday 13th May
I am VERY excited to finally announce the launch of the QS book. Written in 2015 and painstakingly edited by numerous people over the last six months, we are actually here. And to celebrate we are having an online party on Sunday 13th May, which just happens to be my birthday, and YOU are invited. The QS team would love you to join us at this monumental event which we wanted to do onlineso that nobody need miss out, although if you are local then you are very welcome to join us in person (please do not arrive before 4:45pm as we have a retreat running until then).
All you have to do is
Join us on the Quantum Sobriety Facebook page link here:
We’ll be giving away prizes throughout the broadcast
But you’ve got to be online *LIVE* to win!
It’s all about showing up
Making the commitment
Believing that anything is possible; for someone WILL win a place on the next QS workshop, and there will also be a number of books won on the day.
As you know a few weeks ago I suddenly wondered if I was giving away TOO MUCH content in the book, for it contains all of the main meditations and techniques that we use in the programme. Then I tuned into the intention of the book that I set back in 2015 and have held ever since; which is for the term ‘Quantum Sobriety’ to be globally used in relation to someone transcending addiction and becoming totally FREE.
A future conversation will go like this,
“Oh did you know Jenny has stopped drinking?”
“No I didn’t, how is she doing? ”
“She’s done brilliantly, she’s reached Quantum Sobriety”
(and for everyone to know what that means ie: freedom)
My goal is for FREEDOM to be recognised as a possibility for each individual on the ‘recovery’ path, and for us to cease talking in terms of ‘it’s a disease’ and ‘something that you can never be free of’. Because that is simply NOT true with the book and the programme showing you why that is, and how to go beyond addiction; to find FREEDOM in sobriety.
So with my heart fully open to all the people that I can now reach through the medium of a book, I invite you to join me at 5pm on Sunday 13th May to celebrate this milestone and quantum jump for humanity ⚛🏃♀️
Member Quote Of The Day:
In this section you will read something that has been said by one of the Quantum Sobriety Online Programme members over on the very lively private forum:

A, Online Programme