An Appetite For MORE 🍽️


Tour Update.

Our first daytime / weekend event happened yesterday in Sheffield, and it was another lovely workshop. I am so very grateful to be able to share with others what has worked so well for me and I just love to watch the nods and scribbles on notepads as monumental shifts happen. What a privilege it is to be a part of peoples journeys within themselves.

Again there is an appetite for a face-to-face QS meeting in Sheffield and this is something that I will be discussing with the Guides in due course. For sure it is clear from the four meetings thus far that this is a very important element to support those ready to go to the next level of their lives; wherever that may be.

We have had participants from all walks of life
We have had participants with all kinds of imbalances
We have had participants in the throes of addiction to substances
Some have already walked through the sobriety door and are looking for the ‘next step’ in their lives
Whilst others haven’t got an addiction per se, but connect with this blog 👋
An eating disorder
Binging (food, booze, drugs)
No two workshops have been the same
Yet they have all culminated with the request for more meet-ups

I am even more excited about the future than ever before now, and want to watch where the energy of the tour takes QS without getting in the way by ‘controlling’ the outcome. I feel that the legs of this movement will decide for themselves what the next few steps are going to be; my job is purely to facilitate the needs of the community.

And later as the Sheffield guides and I talked about this over dinner (thanks Victoria, it was delicious!) some interesting ideas were thrown around which we’ll begin discussing in the private forum today. A massive thanks to Jayne and Victoria for supporting me in their hometown, and yet again watch out for news of what is going to be born here in Sheffield. 

Yesterday also saw me FINALLY meeting Lucy Rocca, creator of Soberistas. We’ve had a great relationship over the years; I’ve done three webinars on her platform and am one of the regular writers on
We both can’t believe we’ve never met before and it was really lovely to finally meet in person, although I have to say Lucy it feels like I’ve known you forever; a real kindred spirit. It was great to have her join the workshop, and here we are pictured together.

Read below just some of the workshop participants responses at the end of yesterdays meeting….

Thank you Jo for your love which radiated out….so much of your blog resonates with me, it’s a journey! Loved the meditation

Enlightening. I will carry forward some of the points, in particular meditation 

Interesting, a lot to take in! Promising, thanks!

I enjoyed this more than I expected as I have never meditated before, I feel very peaceful

Really made me think about where my issues come from and helped me realise that I use alcohol / drugs as a crutch. The meditation is something that I will take away with me and use at home – so thank you!

I was eager to come having taken an interest in the retreat a few years back….I am leaving feeling positive, thank you 

Interesting to think about what’s next, post addictions, to fill my non-drinking time with more connections

Very informative and enjoyable. Loved the meditation. Needed a kick up the bum to get me back on track and feel today has done this for me

A selection of Sheffield workshop attendees

The QS Tour

Margate: TUESDAY 
Samudra Yoga, 6.30pm – 8.30pm

It’s not too late to book your place

All the information here:

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