Online Mentoring

Online Mentoring

These sessions are based upon Jo guiding you to how to find your own unique hidden code; the place that when you reach it you ‘know’ all the answers. From here life gets easy, once you have ‘found’ the code you will never have to make another decision again, for life will simply unfold in front of you. Addiction falls away effortlessly from this place, and sessions will get deeper and deeper into who you are underneath the compulsion to use. Jo has got to this place physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually of addiction to total alignment, and it is from this state of oneness that these sessions will be transmitted directly to you.

“Such a powerful, powerful session, which helped me to reconnect with myself too. I woke up this morning feeling the most connected and happy I have felt in a long time. I felt your transmission.”

“Yet another shift after yesterday’s session. I have turned the fear of the craving/thoughts for alcohol into a curiosity and interest in the thoughts. It’s really helped me to take back my power. Power from within, rather than trying to banish and control. What a shift! I feel so much freer. So much lighter. I welcome the thoughts in with a smile.”

“Meditation was beautiful this morning. More clarity and focus on future presence. No more pushing. No more alcohol. I am starting to choose the reality I deserve. Feeling into it. Imagining it. Dropping beneath the crazy mind thing!!”

Choose your package, book here, and then you will receive an email to arrange timings and start date


Jo has a few sessions per week to mentor those looking to expand their consciousness, and drop into a state of oneness. 30 minute and one hour online packages available, with Jo transmitting total alignment directly to you. These are ideal for those who have been on retreat before and would like to ‘top-up’ their energy and reconnect, and also for people who have not yet worked with Jo and are ready to experience life at the next level.

Throughout our lives teachers come in to mirror to us exactly what we need in that moment; the following list is what Jo has personally moved through and can support you with from an experiential level:

  • Addiction
  • Finding your calling
  • Manifesting at a high level
  • Building a successful spiritual business
  • Surrendering to Self and not needing anything from anyone/anything
  • Creating a stable personal practice (meditation, journaling, yoga etc)


60 Minute ‘Embodiment’ Mentoring

£280 for a month of weekly sessions
£650 for 10 weekly sessions

  • Pre-call questions to be completed
  • Spend 10 minutes before the call in contemplation
  • 60 minutes on the call with Jo
  • Spend 10 minutes post call journaling and downloading your thoughts, inspiration and motivation

30 Minute ‘Laser’ Mentoring

£200 for a month of weekly sessions
£450 for 10 weekly sessions

  • Pre-call questions to be completed
  • Spend 10 minutes before the call in contemplation
  • 30 minutes on the call with Jo
  • Spend 10 minutes post call journaling and downloading your thoughts, inspiration and motivation

Current Availability: 12Noon UK on Tuesdays, Wednesday, Thursdays and Saturdays. Book your package and Jo will email you to arrange timings and start date. Email here for more information and with any questions.


Terms, Conditions, and Disclaimer

Once a day and time has been agreed, the packages of four and ten sessions are to be taken in concurrent weeks at the same time each week.
This approach will only work if you are ready to take responsibility for your life. It’s time to stop giving your power away to what you are addicted to, but don’t give it to us. We cannot do this for you, no one else can, this is your show; your life; and it’s time to empower yourself and believe that you deserve good health and happiness.

Some confuse responsibility with blame, and no one is to blame here. Once you draw a line in the sand we will show you how to create the life of your dreams, but there will be a period of understanding what led you to this point, healing the wounds and forgiving the circumstances first.

You can move on from this, your addiction does not need to define you any more, and it’s time to view your addiction as a challenge rather than a hopeless cause. Quantum Sobriety is a journey deep within yourself and once you can accept and love yourself there will be no reason to cover that up with a substance that numbs you from who you really are.

We are not a medical facility and if you are physically dependent to a substance we advise that you receive medical treatment for this before undertaking any of our programmes. Your physical dependency must be addressed first. Once your body is ready, then it is time to retrain your mind and create a new healthful reality.

We look forward to assisting you in your journey back to yourself…