Don’t Miss The Energy ✨✨✨


Anyone that has been on retreat with QS or IG knows that I am constantly taking notes when I get inspired, to write about in this blog. I am so connected to myself that I can literally ‘feel’ my heart opening when having a conversation with someone, which is its communication to me to share the message. I have lists of notes on my phone, in my laptop bag, my diary, and teaching folder; literally pages and pages of inspiration just waiting to get on the page.

I love this process
I adore how I know myself well enough to jot this magic down
If I don’t act upon it – when the energy is there – the magic is lost
I look down at my notes and the energy has vanished, sometimes I don’t even remember WHY I wrote a sentence down!

And think back to all of the times that is has been EASY to stop smoking / drinking / binge eating
Then to when it was such a struggle
The food / booze / cigarettes were the same
But YOU were different
Something shifted within you
The -ENERGY- changed

And this is exactly when you need to harness the power
When you are being held by the strong energy
Like it creates a path out in front of you, to effortlessly walk into freedom

Don’t miss the energy
Grab it
Use it
Ride upon it

It is there for you
Waiting for your readiness
Are you ready?
Is today the day?

Member Quote Of The Day.

Read here something that has been said by one of the Quantum Sobriety Online Programme members over in our lively private forum:

You are sooo in the right place.
I love this group, you will flourish xx

M, Online Member

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