Life Is A Hologram ๐ŸŒ€๐Ÿ”ฎ๐ŸŒ

Daily Motivation 317


As you meditate more
Withdraw the senses
And connect to pure consciousness
The external world begins to lose its permanence

For you realise more and more that this physical body is not where ‘we’ begin and end
We start to comprehend that there is more
And this is when we step back and see the bigger picture
And then……


Just like the frames of a movie
But this is our very own life movie
And we are director
We get to choose who’s in it, how the movie plays outย and how it ends

But more than that
We begin to fathom how thin and holographic what we SEE is, compared to what we FEEL in our hearts
And once that drops into realisation, crystallises, then we have reached our tipping point and the journey within becomes our only emphasis. As a result:

  • the drama stops
  • we withdraw from the details
  • anger, stress, worry subsides
  • we literally cannot drink, drug orย binge-eat any longer
And all because
We now understand thatย we have a choice
To be ruled by our outer world
Or realise that we are the creator
Some would say GOD
I have always used the word ‘essence’ in my yoga and meditation classes, right back to more than 16 years ago. It’s a word that describes it perfectly; that part of us that is unchanging, eternal, doesn’t get stressed; IT CAN’T

So we become MORE essence
And LESS identified with the physical form
Life becomes like a dream or hologram
Less dense
More magical
And we are FULLY in control….

Member Quote Of The Day:

In this section you will read something that has been said by one of the Quantum Sobriety Online Programme members over on the very lively private forum:

โMy meditation practise has changed so much since joiningย QS. As soon as I sit and close my eyes I am plugged in. It’s not always easy, but those sweet spots are sure worth it. Thank you Jo De Rosaย โž

M, Residential Retreat and Online Programme


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